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Billy and the white van dude got into a relationship it was weird. They're​ we couldn't believe it. This is what John said. F#$&ing fat a#$ and gay a#$ b#$& are together screw that it's so sick. Right after that John started vaping. If you didn't know John Vapes his dad sniffs paint, and his mom smokes meth. And his brother is a hobo. So John had to do his part and vape. Call said white trash is gay?! F$#& this I'm going home. Danny didn't say anything he just kissed Billy. Lucky him Baljeet wasn't there. He was at a gay striper club. What did Don say he said f#$&!!! Usually Don doesn't cus but today was a wierd day.


                     So basically everybody walked away all except Call and John. Usually they are enemy's but today they are going to sabotage the wedding. So they had to come up with a plan and so they did the plan was. Go to the church the wedding was at get on the roof and have dart guns. Take out the church helpers by hanging from wires on the roof, jump down and kill the man in the white van. How it actually happened. So we got there and set up the wires except they weren't wires it was string so John was the only one who could be on it. So he did he grabbed his dart gun"water gun" and got on the wire he started hanging off of it.

                     First thing to happen. The string broke and John yelled s#$& I can't believe I trusted sire chocolate up there with the f#$&ing rope, d#$& it. Ha fried chicken go and get a f#$&in life you f#$&ing b#$&$#$!!! D#$& IT!!! John took his water gun and started spraying Call. Wich caused Call to spray back but he missed and hit the floor next to Billy. Wich caused Billy to slip and fall on the white van dude. Wich caused him to stumble back on his head and die. Right after that Billy started crying. That's when they heard a new voice from a new white van. Ha chubby want some cake. That's when Billy yelled yes!

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