Prolog (old, it getts better i promis)

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The smoke cleared and gave way to a alarming sight. Raven, with her comrades to back her up, finally faced the battlefield. Cry's of pain and anguish coming from every corner of the well destroyed clearing.  The air had a heavy musk to it, blood, sweet, and sulfur filled the air. Raven looked back over at her friends and locked eyes with with her oldest friend, newt who had suffered some minor scratches and was covered from head to tow in dirt and gun powder. He had a concerned look on his face as he looked away  and to his left and right where tow more of the crew stood beside him. Every one was hurting and tired and Raven knew all to well how they felt.
   Chase Summers, another member of the small squad stepped forward. his hair standing some what on end with small sparks of electricity coming off the ends of it, had a determined light in his light gray eyes as he nodded to Raven. Nodding back Raven marched forward with her hand gun drawn and pointed to the ground just In case. 
     "There's something not right here." Kelly mumbled and caught up beside Chase. He nodded in agreement and put a hand on her shoulder as they kept pass with the rest of them.
"Aye I agree with the lass her maybe we should go back kiddo?" Markus said a bit cautiously to Raven. " no, we have to keep going we owe them that much." She grumbled and put a hand to her forehead wincing. " no rave mark and Kelly are right we need to turn back ." Raven looked over her shoulder at them and shook her head no and looked around the area looking for any trace of life. 
  At that moment loud crashing and cries of surprise was shared by all of them and every thing went black.

(So this is just a piolet for now but I will start updating shortly so plez if you have anything to say plez tell me, until next time this is stitches out )

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