Chapter Two

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A lady stood in the distance, surrounded by white and wearing a white dress, her long blonde hair flowing gently down her back. The boy stood up from sitting on the ground and walked slowly towards her, his ankle had somehow stopped hurting, but even if it had still been hurting he wouldn't care, he had to get to that lady. Before he could go a step further, she slowly turned around. "Faye," The boy stopped in his tracks as though frozen; How did she know his old name?

"Come." as though an invisible force pushed him from behind, Faye lurched forward and began walking towards her again, faster this time. Stumbling over the ground, Faye walked faster and faster, until he broke into a run, racing towards the lady. Before he could reach her she turned to face him. Faye stopped suddenly, and was sent sprawling across the ground at her feet. Looking up at her, Faye gasped in horror. She was dead, her guts pouring forth from her stomach and her face mutilated by scars and dents. She smiled, twisting her broken face into a horrifying expression. Faye gasped out a choked scream and scrabbled backwards, noticing now that they were both standing atop a mountain of bloody bones. The lady held out her hands, beckoning to him, but Faye hurried backwards so fast he was sent tumbling backwards down the hill of carnage, over and over, head over heels. Eventually he came to a rest on his back staring at the sky. Suddenly the dead ladies face loomed over him and he screamed.

Faye jerked up, a cold sweat breaking out across his skin, his breath coming in gasps and the remnants of the scream on his lips. He looked around himself; the cave was very dark save for the dwindling flames of the campfire in front of him. Faye rubbed his face and sighed "It was just a dream..." As he closed his eyes, the ladies face flashed in front of his eyes again and he gasped in panic, adrenaline pulsing through his veins, his eyes darting back and forth in their sockets. What had changed? Something had changed, he could tell. Glancing frantically around, he noticed a dark humped shape at the entrance to the cave. It stirred and the whites of eyes turned towards him. Gasping in shock, Faye shuffled backwards as fast as he could, towards the back of the cave. Almost there, he choked in pain; he had forgotten about his ankle. 

"Get away from me!" cried Faye, stricken with terror left from his dream. "Wait!" said the figure, "It's okay! I won't hurt you!" It stood up and walked towards the ring of light cast out by the the campfire. Faye pressed himself against the wall and his breathing grew faster and faster. The figure stopped at the edge of the light and sat down. Faye shut his eyes as he drew a shuddering breath. "Calm down," said the figure, "please. I won't hurt you." But Faye couldn't hear their words, all he could hear was the breathing of the figure, and the terror pulsing through his veins. He dug his fingers into the dirt of the floor, down until they were cut and bleeding from digging into the rock of the cave floor. "You don't need to be scared, you know." said the figure. "You're in my cave, after all." Spots of light popped in front of Faye's eyes and he slowly slid down the wall to the floor, unconscious from lack of oxygen. Slowly, the figure crawled forwards slowly into the light revealing it's face.

She was a young girl, about eleven to thirteen years old, and she looked grubby and smelly, like she had been living in a cave for a long time, which, she probably had because she had declared that it was her cave. Faye breathed slowly and softly, looking at her on an angle, his eyes closing. The girl got up and walked over to Faye. She bent down and felt his forehead with her soft, pale hand. The girl picked up Faye's cloak and wrapped him up in it next to the fire. The girl looked through his bag for ingredients and soon Faye was lying next to the fire wrapped in his cloak and with a steaming infusion of purpurpea waiting for when he woke up.  The girl sat silently for a while before speaking; "My name is Danielle," she said to Faye as he slept, "and I will tell you why I live here, maybe you will remember when you waken..."

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