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Tsunade Pov

Kakashi just came into my office and gave me a letter.

"Tsunade-Sama, Naruto left this for you. There were other letters addressed to myself, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Iruka, Garra, and Killer Bee. I already took the liberty to give them to them."

"Thank you Kakashi. Your dismissed."

Dear Grandma Tsunade,

I know that Kiba didn't really mean to say it, but it still hurts y'know? And besides if I stayed in the village it would only bring more danger. I couldn't risk another group of rogue ninjas forming a group to get me or any one else. I think I just need to chill out. I'll be gone for several years or so. I'll keep an eye out in the shadows. I'll also try to gather more information that would be beneficial to you.

Grandma Tsunade your the closest thing I have to a mother. I'm going to miss you a lot. I still wonder what would of happened if I wasn't able to bring you back here. Your apart of my family not just by blood either. Your very dear to me and I can't  bare it to see you hurt or sad. Thank you. Your always there when I need it. You were there when I got rejected by Hinata, I guess I was a really slow to not notice about her feelings toward me and she got over it. Protect the Village, but make sure you stay alive. I want to see you once I return in the 5 or 6 years time.
Who knows maybe I'll come back with a surprise? You've always told me I was able to surprise everyone unexpectedly.

~ Naruto Uchiha Senju Namikaze Uzumaki

By the time I finished reading I realized I was crying. My little Naruto is grown up, and now he's gone... But I'll see him again.

Kakashi Pov

I decided to read the letter on top of the Hokage mountain this way no one would see me.
Carefully I opened it up to see neat handwriting. Who knew that the number one knuckle headed ninja would mature?

Dear Kakashi,

I know that you don't know the details on why I left. If you want to just ask Sasuke or Tsunade if you want the details, I give full permission! Considering the information you'll learn is really surprising. You'll probably faint when you hear it. Haha! Anyways, Kakashi your the older brother I didn't have, the same to Iruka. I know that my parents considered you there son and that makes it even better! We are already family. You taught me many jutsu and helped me a lot along the way on my way of the ninja. Even if it was just to be there or give me advice, you were there not only as my sensei but as family. Thank you Kakashi- nii!! I'll see you again in 5 to 6 years!

-Naruto Uchiha Senju Namikaze Uzumaki

I cried my eyes out until I couldn't anymore. I'm a big brother. I'm part of his family...
I'll see him again... My little Brother.

Jiraiya Pov

I was doing my um research when Kakashi came and gave me a letter. It's from that damn gaki. I opened up the letter to find out what's it about.

Dear Ero- Sensei,

When you read this I'm 100% sure that I've already left the village. No I am not rogue. I'm doing this for several reasons and most of them are SS-class. You need to talk to Tsunade if you want to know about it.

To say the least you were a father figure toward me. You taught me most things I know. You taught me things that doesn't even have to apply to my ninja career. You were always by my side through the hard times. You were the one to treat me like a son. Before I knew it you were irreplaceable in my world. Your family. Thank you!
By the way you won't find me!

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