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!!!!! Strong and mature language ahead, please be advised. !!!!!


"I fucking hate you, you mean ass bitch!"

"Hahahaha and you can't stop me. That's why I'm gonna end your career and be a sad sorry ass bitch. And I'll take over your company"

"You couldn't even handle it. My company is worth at least five times what yours is"

"Oh yeah? Watch me."

Tammie then knocks down everything off the island in the kitchen then walks out, sashaying away. She is such a trifling ass bitch.

Ever since my mother died when I was eleven years old, I've never been the same. I used to be so nice and the sweetest person you'll ever meet. Now I'm rude, obnoxious and gets my way all the time like a snobby rich kid, who is a rapper and gangster. I never wanted to be like this, and I know my mother wouldn't either.



I walk down sunset boulevard looking for a cafe to stop at and get a sandwich before my meeting. I work for Fresh Talent Media, owned by Christopher Onfroy, the father of a multi-millionaire. I don't know the sons name but I know that they are rich as fuck.

As I walk into the cafe, I notice someone familiar sitting at a table.

But I just go to the counter and order my food.

"May I get a Italian grilled panini?"

"That'll be 3.00 even."

Out of all the money I have, all I see are two dollar bills. I'm digging through my purse looking for a dollar when all of a sudden —

"Hey I got somewhere to go!" A random person shouts

"I'm sure she has some place to go too, asshole." The unknown guy at the table says. I know I've seen him before but I can't put my finger on it...

"I'll pay for your food" The unknown guy says.

"Really? You know you don't have to —"

"— But I want to, I insist!" He says giving the cashier the three dollars.

"Thank you so much" I say In awe.

That was so generous of him. He is so cute with his tattoos all on his face, black, twisted, short hair nicely in a fresh cut fade, and cute kind of crooked pearly whites that are so adorable to me.

Snap out of it Jessica!

Okay okay. I sit down in the table beside him while he sits back down and reads a business magazine, crossing his leg over the other.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but do I know you?" I say to him.

He takes a sip of his coffee, glaring at me. "I don't think so but you look oddly familiar, what is your name?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

"Jessica Deliz" I say, and his eyes widen.

"You, my Jessy?" He says

"Wait, Jahseh? Omg! You were my best friend in elementary school! How are you?"

"Good" he says, scratching the back of his neck, I know he is lying. Somethings wrong, but I'm not jumping to conclusions yet.

"Well, may I get your number? So I can come to your house to catch up on everything?"

"Yeah ok" he says as he gives me his number and I give him mine.

"Nice seeing you!" I say as I give him a hug.

I get up and leave for my meeting.


I watched her as she walked out of the cafe. Her beautiful latina skin with her blonde curly, coarse hair that compliments her beautiful light skin color, her thick thighs and nice sized boobs sitting perfectly on her chest, small waist, and of course a big behind. She is so perfect, but she wouldn't love a cold-hearted nigga like me.
I'm the devil and I know that because I sold my life to him. He is my god. These ugly tattoos all over my body, and my acne prone skin, is just so ugly, and Tammie tells me everyday. I wish she wasn't in my life. I hate her so much.

Tammie is my ex girlfriend who is the man in the relationship. She controls everything and is completely dominate over me.
But I can't wait to start making music so I can prove her that I am a someone, who can do other things than sell drugs and count paper. But everyone hates me. No one loves me for who I am. They just love me because I got money. Nobody will ever care about me so why should I care? I'm so..... Lonely.
It hurts inside, knowing the people you love switch up on you. But I never cared about my life, nor I ever will on earth.

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