Dont Die😂

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A Helicopter sounded in the distance.

Bumblebee started zooming down the road in a hurry "Might wanna hang on" he told me. "Uh, okay" quickly I gripped on to the steering wheel and saw what was happening.

Prime was under a bridge and Mikaela started to fall, Sam after her.

Optimus put his leg out to try and stop their fall and she watched the two hit his foot and fell more.

I slightly laughed at their pain 'not on purpose' but stopped when things got windy.

The grip of Bee got lighter and I flew to tomorrow ... *I hope you got what I did there😂 Guy from croods*

I let out a high pitch scream, not ready to die. Thankfully I got caught in Bees hand Sam beside you. "Hi!" I laughed. Sam a bit freaked.

    Bumblebee put us down on the ground and I yelled a WOOP and did the peace sign 'heck, who knows why'

  The happy thoughts turned bad as a chain shot at Bee and wrapped around his arm then his other arm.

"Bee?!" I screamed. Bumblebee did a whirring sound and a chain wrapped around his leg and he fell to the ground.

  Sirens got closer to us. They gathered around and sprayed something on Bee. The mist was cold.  "No!!"

   A officer grabbed you 3 teenagers but you punched they guy in the face and darted at Bee.

   I fell to the ground on your knees and put your hands on Bee's head by his optics (eyes).

"Bumblebee? Are you .. okay?" I shivered. Bee nodded and tried talked to me, "Get out ... Of .. here y/n"

   I looked at your hands and they were getting frostbite. "Bee, I don't know . . . what will happen, but I love you" you whispered.

   "Love you too, get out of here!" Bee said and soon  I was being pulled backwards.

  "I'm guessing you wanted to die with that thing?" And Officer said. "He's not a thing! He's Bumblebee and let him go or so help me!" You shouted struggling to get up.

    "Or what? You going to punch me again?" He laughed.

  "I will hunt you down and stick a knife down your throat" I whispered in a deep voice pointing a finger at him.

  "Uhh, officer cuff this one" he said walking away.

  I looked up to see a helicopter picking bee up.

  My hands got pulled behind my back, but before I got cuffed I asked, "were am I going?"

   "Well you threatened an officer so jail for a year" he said so casually.

               NO THANK YOU!

I brought my elbow back and punched the guy in the stomach.  In a second I ran "Y/n!" Both Sam and Mikaela yelled and ran after me.

        Y/n's POV

   10 minutes of running I stopped to a guy I hate the most, Simmons.

  "Y/n nice to see you again" he said.

  Sam and Mikaela panted beside me. "Would you like anything? Food or water" Simmy asked.

   "I would like my car back!" I yelled.

"Yes, come on we'll talk about your car." Simmons said opening a door.

  "I don't wanna talk or listen I just want Bumblebee!"

  "Yes ma'am but your car could be a threat-"

  DECEPTICONS ARE THE TREAT! (Threat)" I yelled even louder.

   "Okay! No talking then you may see your car" Simmons rolled his eyes.

  I smiled and flipped my hair (Pixie cut short then ignore that)

  We walked into a room and I heard a lot of commotion.

  I saw Bee being shot at with the stuff earlier.

  I ran up to Bumblebee and yelled for the people to stop.

Once Simmons repeated what I said they stopped an Bee got up pointing his gun at the men.

  "Hey, it's alright" Sam said.

    "Bee did they hurt you?" I asked. He nodded his head and made a sad Sound.

  "They didn't mean to" Mikaela started.

      "BUMBLEBEE KICK THERE-" I started to yell. "No!! Don't kick nobody" Sam ruined my fun moment.

   "Party pooper" I mumbled.

      Okayyyyyyy I'm stopping here because it's 12:50 pm on my side and I'm tired. Sorry if this chapter sucks I will try harder tomorrow!!


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