Figuring What to Do

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The trio were soon silent when they heard the story. Lucina soon spoke up and said, "I'm so sorry."

"Isn't everyone?" Preciosa quietly said.

"Well, maybe not everyone. I know a man who works at the orphanage in Corinthia and...ay!" Curro trailed off with a slap to the face.

"I wasn't asking you!" Preciosa angrily growled.

"You looked right at me." Curro nervously explained.

Preciosa angrily grunted and pushed him to the floor, "Boys! Men! So, typical!"

"Maybe for him. But, guys I need help. My mom...oh no." Lucina said rising with panic.

"Oh no what?"

"I forgot about my brother! He's at home probably trying to do...whatever brothers do. And his fingers are broken."

"Ooh. Who broke them?"

"I did!" Lucina shouted with panic coloring her voice.

"Ok, cool down, girl. One, no one ever shouts at me besides adults, so good job. Two, we'll walk with you home and explain to your brother why you're so late. It'll all be fine."

They soon arrived home and Mateo shouted, "What?! Why didn't you tell me that you were at a friend's house?!"

"Because I thought you wouldn't mind?" Lucina gave him a crooked smile.

"I do mind! You better be glad Elena was kind enough to help me out."

"She's here?"

"Yup." Elena said poking her head put, "I thought it was the least I could do. After all he needs to feel his fingers again soon. He does need to take care of someone, am I right?" She asked and shot a look to Lucina.

Lucina laughed weakly and said, "It was an accident."

"So...these your new friends?" Mateo asked looking at the other two kids behind Lucina.

"Yes. This is..."

"The name's Preciosa Cruz. You remind me big brother."

"And I'm Curro. I..." Curro muffled the last words once Preciosa covered his mouth, "Yeah, no one wants to know about you."

"Ok. Your friends are...charming in their own little way." Mateo weakly said trying to think of good things to say about them.

"Ok. Well, we need to you have a plan on how to find mom?" Lucina asked hoping everything might have one.

"Sadly, no. Mom could be anywhere."

"Well," Elena chimed in, "When was the last time you both saw her?"

"I haven't seen mom since I broke Mateo's fingers." Lucina answered.

"The last time I saw mom was...last night." Mateo gasped.

"What is it? What happened?" Elena asked.

"She went out last night. She said she had to help one of her friends out. Oh, but I don't know which one. She has a lot of friends."

"Seriously!?" Lucina shouted, "We could have used this information a long time ago and now you tell us!?"

"I forgot. And plus we didn't have much time to talk about it this morning."

"Still important!"

"Lucina, your anger has gotten us into this, so I don't see why you're the one talking!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Before we start arguing, let's just try and figure out what to do. You know explain things before we start a fight." Elena calmly said standing in the middle of the siblings.

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