Suspicious School

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Curro already delivered the message and was on his way to class until he noticed something strange in the hallways. He soon found someone in the hallway who didn't look like a student or teacher. He thought he should investigate and got a closer look. He soon saw that it was some kind of shadow figure who's face was hard to describe. The only part of the face he saw was a mouth and pale skin.

"Who are you?" Curro muttered to himself.

"Where's Lucina de Alva and her little sidekick, Preciosa?" The shadow said in a raspy voice and explored the school.

"Lucina? Preciosa? The girls. They're in trouble." Curro mumbled and followed slowly behind the strange shadow.

He soon found the shadow swallowing kids in the hallway, but it seemed as if he was teleporting them somewhere since it wasn't directly in his mouth. Curro thought long and hard about what this shadow was up to and didn't know what to do. He just kept following and the shadow went to Curro's science class room. Curro was befuddled and saw that he turned into his teacher Mr. Bruce. He soon trembled in fear once he saw the students he kidnapped turn into frogs and toads.

"Oh no." Curro gasped and locked himself in someone's locker so "Mr. Bruce" wouldn't see him.

Once Mr. Bruce was gone, Curro secretly went inside the classroom and examined the frogs with a microscope.

"Whoa. Mr. Cortez? How did I not see that happen?" Curro asked himself and gasped once he thought about it.

He remembered that Mr. Cortez was acting strange that morning. Mr. Cortez was wearing pink when instead of his usual purple clothing. He also remembered that he always drinks coffee and not tea.

"These frogs...oh no. And this is science class. Oh..." Curro moaned in disgust at the thought of dissecting a frog who was actually a student.

Curro thought he had enough and ran for the door and heard the same raspy voice from before, "Hello, little boy. Going somewhere?"

"W-Who are you?" Curro stammered.

"That's none of your business. But, the king might want to meet you." The shadow figure chuckled and grabbed Curro with some kind of shadow hand.

Curro felt like his soul was being ripped apart from his body and knew he had to get out of this situation. He struggled like a wild animal trying to break free from it's cage and scratched the Shadow's face and soon thought that was strange. He soon gasped for air and with the last of his strength he kicked him in the face. 

Curro ran as fast as he could to find a hiding place and tried to think outside of the box. He knew that the only place the shadow probably wouldn't be able to find him: The basement.

Curro shut the doors behind him and fell down the stairs just to go faster. His eyes shot like bullets trying to find the perfect hiding spot. He hid in a cabinet and heard sounds outside.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." The shadow said in a sinister yet playful voice. He heard the closet open and thought 'I would have been dead if I hid there.'

He heard an a chest open and thought 'I would have died again!' With each sound coming from different places Curro knew he would have died again and again. 

Suddenly, there silence and he heard the shadow mumble, "Well, he's not here. Let's hope he didn't hear much."

Just to be safe, Curro stayed in the cabinet for at least an hour and  looked around to see if the coast was clear. He found a window he could easily walk through and opened it to freedom. He knew he had to tell the girls that danger was near at the school and ran straight to where they were.

He made sure that no one was following just to make sure they stay safe from whatever threat was crawling out of the shadows...

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