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I woke up and saw all of the guys in my bed

"What happened" I said looking at them all laying straight my bed was king so they all fit correctly I walked downstairs and saw a note on the kitchen counter

Hey loser I went over to Talia's for dessert

Ugh he already wants to fuck someone else I rolled my eyes and looked at the cabinets I laughed at myself thinking that I was going to cook something. I went back to my room and walked over to my restroom. I showered and brushed my teeth I then changed into my adidas sweatpants I couldn't find a sweater that I wanted to wear at this moment so I walked over to my brothers closet and took his shadow hills sweater I then put my shoes and decided to wake them all up

 I showered and brushed my teeth I then changed into my adidas sweatpants I couldn't find a sweater that I wanted to wear at this moment so I walked over to my brothers closet and took his shadow hills sweater I then put my shoes and decided to wa...

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I got a pillow and slammed it on jacks head causing him to jump he ended up falling causing Aaron to wake up from his sleep and stare at us in confusion

"wake up lazy asses" I yelled

Only Grayson woke and and stared at us three

"What are you guys doing?" He asked

"It's ten wake up I'm hungry" I yawned

"Good luck waking Ethan up" Grayson laughed getting up from the bed

"The new extra toothbrushes are in my top left drawer and ill get the things so you guys can shower" I said

"Oh no we're going to jacks place but thanks though" Aaron said

I turned on my speakers and played the song pursuit of happiness by kid cudi since he's dad I heard footsteps running towards my room and saw Grayson run to me

"You listen to kid cudi?" Grayson asked with a smile

"Obviously" I laughed

"I respect you" he said before walking out of the room

I stepped back and ran up to my bed and jumped landing on Ethan he groaned and turned his head and saw me a smile appeared on his face

"Wake up" I said

"Why" he said

"Because you need to go to jacks to do your stuff and then we will all be going to eat" I said laying next to him

"Shit" he groaned

"Come on" I said pushing myself off of my bed and exiting the bedroom to find Aaron, Grayson and Jack looking at the photos of me from when I was younger

"Step away from those pictures there is no need for you guys to be looking through them" I said trying to keep a serious face on but failed when they turned to look at me they laughed I turned and saw Ethan standing shirtless

"Where is your shirt?" I asked trying my best not to look

"I have if here don't worry" he said walking down the stairs

"We will call you when we're here to pick you for breakfast" Jack said before walking out the front door

I walked downstairs and locked the front door I then picked up the photo album from the couch and placed it on the book shelf

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