Dysphoria chapter 3

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Once Harry had walked in he saw Snape who must not have heard him come in. 


No answer, not even a sign the other had heard him.

''Sir?'' he tried again still receiving no answer.

''SIR?!'' He all but shouted losing his patience, finally, he got a reaction out of the greasy haired git as his head snapped up from his previous task.

'' What do you want you, incompetent child!?'' The potions master growled out through gritted teeth and slammed his fist his fist against his desk, startling the poor boy. He took a step back as he was overcome with a similar memory in the 'care' of the Dursleys.

   He was back at Privet Drive in his little cupboard under the stairs the cupboard hardly fit someone Harry's size although he was overly thin for his age the given space was small way too small.  The tightly enclosed walls were enough to make anyone claustrophobic the way they seemed to close upon you eating you. The air was quite stuffy almost suffocating to be in. Dust and paint spewed everywhere and the floorboards seemed slightly uprooted as nails stuck out. Windows had been barred making it nearly impossible to escape.

   '' Boy, get up and make us breakfast!'' an angry yell resounded throughout the house waking Harry up instantly. 

   He knew that voice instantly it made him freeze up in fear yes he'd know that voice anywhere seeing as he had heard it every day and the owner oh he'd never forget the owner of that voice.  He could try to forget but that voice and that face would always be in his mind, always be his biggest fear. He knew that it would always be subconsciously in his mind every time someone attempted to touch him in the slightest he'd remember this man's constant abuse.  The feel of leather hitting forcefully against his back, the feel of stubby fingers wounding around his neck, the feel of his hand being placed under an iron, the feel of his hand being held over a burner until he begged, and the feel of what it truly meant to feel terrified would always be a part of him. Self-esteem and insecurities had long since surfaced due to the names frequently spouted at him the most common ones being a waste of space, worthless, or kill yourself freak boy the words stuck with him tearing down as he started referring and thinking of himself as such things. The fact that his supposed caretaker had been the one responsible for all of this made it that much worse because this was far worse than Voldemort this was his uncle Vernon.

''Yes sir'' Harry responded realizing he hadn't yet given a reply before swiftly running out of the harsh living conditions of his cupboard and downstairs to the kitchen. He started the toast before cooking scrambled eggs and microwaving bacon all the while ignoring Aunt Petunia's and Uncle Vernon's glares.

''Hurry up boy! Or else!'' They all knew what was implied and Harry nodded lightly.

  Once the food was finally finished Harry plated it all and gave a plate to Dudley and Vernon just as he was about to give a plate to Petunia Dudley stuck his foot out and tripped him he tried to catch the plate but to no avail. Everything came crashing down, quite literally as Harry tripped, food flew everywhere, the plate shattered and cut Harry deeply. Yet he barely noticed all he noticed was Vernon's face going red and he gulped.

'' You incompetent child! After everything we've done for you this is how you repay us?! We took you in and yet you don't seem the least bit grateful through all of our kindness. Oh, I'll make you grateful a good beating should serve you right...'' Harry winced he knew it was coming but he had wished some miracle would happen and he'd be saved fortunately that wasn't the case and the beating continued although he refused to cry out and let his uncle have the satisfactory and that only seemed to make him angrier. The treatment continued and no one suspected anything, no one heard his silent pleas for help because no one cared. 

His breathing quickened and his heart raced. 

'' Potter?''

His eyes grew heavy and he imagined himself back at the Dursleys. 

'' Potter?!''

He thought about why no one had cared enough to notice.


He fainted and would have hit the floor if it hadn't of been for Severus Snape who was currently cradling the young boy in his arms while looking worriedly at him.

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