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If you can't wake up from the nightmare, then maybe you're not asleep.

The word 'heart-broken' was an understatement for how Hoseok felt at the moment, devastation flew around him as he took in the sight that unfolded before him

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The word 'heart-broken' was an understatement for how Hoseok felt at the moment, devastation flew around him as he took in the sight that unfolded before him. His camera had been completely smashed to pieces, it was clear that the attempt was intentional. The culprit hadn't even bothered to hide it, it was almost as if he wanted Hoseok to see.

"I-I-" His hands trembled and tears pricked at his eyes, he didn't want to cry like the sensitive man he was. This wouldn't be much of a deal to another person but to him it was, the broken pieces of glass and plastic combination irked his heart. Not aware of it, a choked sob escaped from him and was heard by the other two boys in the lounge who came running.

"Hoseok, is that yo- What the hell happened?! Why're you crying?" Jimin frantically came running towards the older, finally noticing the older weeping in sorrow. While Jungkook stood there, not being able to understand what to do, his eyes were filled with the vision of his favourite hyung crying, it clenched at his heart and hurt him more than anything.

Taking in the realisation that this was the camera he himself gave Hoseok on his birthday, Jimin ran his hand over Hoseok's back, forming shapes but no matter how much he tried to console him, he wouldn't stop crying. Jungkook tried to hide the sadness in his eyes but failed miserably.

"It's alright... M-maybe it was at the edge and fell? No need to get worked up over it so much, I'll get you another one-"

"Jimin, no. What didn't we capture with this? Our birthdays, our events, our anniversaries, tours, trips, concerts, just about everything!"

"Is the hotel haunted or something?"

Jungkook and Hoseok's gaze turned towards Jimin, he put up a hand to his chin and looked at them in confusion. The hypothesis that his mind had produced was a very irrelevant one, had no backup evidence and seemed straight up absurd. Jungkook stepped forward and clutched the broken pieces in his hand, muttering to himself. Loud enough for the others to hear, though.

"What would a spirit or ghost have against our camera?" Weird strangled noises came from the television in the lounge, the movie still hadn't ended yet and didn't seem to end anytime soon. With a last fallen tear, Hoseok got up so that he could go and wash his face. He didn't want anyone to see him in this state although his best friends had already, but it wouldn't be entitled to anyone else.

"I'm going somewhere, Kookie. Take care of him."

"What, but you just came back and where are you-"

"Bye." Before Jungkook could even unfold and ask the questions that arose in his mind, Jimin presented himself at the hotel room's doorstep, ready to leave any second. Placing his feet inside his slippers, the young man left and the door closed with a thud, leaving Jungkook to sigh all by himself.

"What the hell is this."


Rain fell in chaotic raindrops, the cold breeze changing it's direction prior to a heavy rainfall. The grey layer of a rainy day took over as cars hustled and drivers honked. This weather had been unpredictable; nevertheless everyone was still carrying an umbrella with them, most of them black.

Everyone, except Jimin.

He was completely clueless of this, rain ran down his face like thin tear drops. A lot of people like rain now don't they? The coldness of the air, and the constant unpredictable movement of the grey clouds, they were an amazing experience to be held before. Synesthesia was a common occurance when rain came, you could smell the water droplet and feel the greyness of the atmosphere on your skin. It's something that reminds everyone that every single person in the world has their sad days, but this didn't mean that Jimin had to be included in this category, rain had been one of his most detested climates, he wanted it to be sunny. He wanted it to be cheery and wanted flowers to bloom. All he wanted was happy and all to be bubbly.

Spring had yet to come, moreover the weather just straight up depressed the umbrellaless boy. He was about to ignore the pouring drops and step into the rain, when someone dropped a big blue umbrella in front of him. Not that big, but big enough to cover Jimin's head.

"Uh.. eh?"

"Tsk, just take it kid." The mysterious man grunted, not wanting to show his softness that had caused him to help a fellow citizen or whatever. He was wearing a beanie and a black mouth mask that had 'swag' written on it. A long back coat covered his body, his hands in it's pockets. All black, weird. Jimin thought.

Jimin picked up the umbrella and the mystery boy didn't bother to move and just came forward to walk besides him, even though he had another umbrella that rested comfortably over his head, his hand clutched the pole.

"Don't like the rain, huh shrimp?"


"Yeah... I guess."

"You guess? You're not sure of what you don't like?" Jimin turned around to look at the man who had proved himself to be foul mouthed, Jimin wanted nothing to do with him. He had went out to get his Hobi hyung a small gift that would perhaps help him cheer up, meeting this strange man was not included in the scheme. But because of him being in debt for the umbrella, there was nothing he could do but walk alongside.

"I don't know, I've never been too fond of rain. It's... annoying in a way." The man that stood next to him suddenly stopped and looked up at a shop with it's name written in bold and tattered characters.

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The letter R from You was missing, the shop seemed really old.

"Oh well alright, see you never then maybe. And you can keep the umbrella. Bye, shrimp." His level of saltiness and sodium was higher than Jimin's grades, was the first thought that came to his mind. Without further ado Jimin called out to him, wanting to know the name of the strange guy.

"Wait, what's your name?"

As the man pulled out his wallet and moved forward, without turning his head he responded, no hesitation or annoyance in his tone.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."


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How are you Hoseok. Having fun?

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I see you still won't listen to me, that's so naive of you. Your stupidity makes me want to puke.

You have 3 new messages from an Instagrammer.

I feel like you won't listen anytime soon, what else should I do, you tell.

You have 4 new messages from an Instagrammer.

Don't ignore me, you.

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