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You speak like constellations but you're just a black hole.

You speak like constellations but you're just a black hole

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A feeling of intensity swept over the room. Hoseok was safe, nothing had happened and yet there was blood on the floor, there was a crashing sound and fear was flying around every one, shouting at them to cry in despair.

It was Jin.

He was under the huge clock, his back facing the huge piece of wood, with blood oozing out of his forehead. Whilst Hoseok sat there, a troublesome and unreadable look on his face, he looked shocked more than anything. The thing more evident than any other stuff was the smile that was etched on Jin's face, one of bravery and strength, he hadn't groaned or cried in pain. He remained strong and slowly, tried to lull himself to sleep.

"Jin, why'd you.."

"Stay s-safe, Hobi. Y-you need to.. know..." Jin spoke between deep breaths and sighs, he had pushed his friend out of the way to save him, at the price of his own body, it was an act of kindness and something way beyond that, but it resulted in something terrible.

"D-don't just stand there, fools! Call the ambulance, get the doctor, hurry up!" A loud yell came from a horrified Namjoon who kept moving his hands in the air out of frustration and fright, it was like he knew what to do but had his throat dried, as if he couldn't say the words out clearly. Everyone started rushing about, it was a total chaos but Jin had been taken to the hospital quickly.

Only Hoseok hadn't moved from his spot for a second, the same look on his face still there.

"He's conscious at the moment but no continuous movements or statements have been made. Severe damage has been caused to his spinal nerves, I'm afraid we might have to perform a surgery just to reduce the amount of pain he's in, I can't guarantee it'll all go away though."

"A-a surgery? When? And how long does he need to be in the hospital?"

"Depends. On his progress, we've called Dr. Bang Si Hyuk in order to start with the measures needed for the surgery, the sooner, the better."

"A-a surgery... Is it that bad?"

"Like I said, sir. His spinal nerves have been damaged devastatingly and it'll affect most of his lower body. Worst case scenario, he'll never be able to walk again."

He'll never be able to walk again.

He'll never be able to walk again.

This words echoed in Hoseok's head as he moved away from the corridor where he eavesdropped on the conversation going on between Namjoon and the nurse looking after Jin. He had pushed Hoseok out of the way, in order to protect him, but got hit himself. The impact was gigantic and the words that had just been heard didn't leave Hoseok's mind for a second.

"This is all my fault, this is all my fault, this is all my fault." The orange haired boy kept whispering the same statement to himself, huge drops of sweat forming on his face as he kept scratching the back of his head. He didn't stay still, walking back and forth. Back and forth, it was like this motion wouldn't stop until Jin would barge out of the room and yell out one of his dad jokes.

"No. It's not." A voice caused Hoseok to jump like a mad man, almost making him shiver at the thought of someone even approaching him.

"T-Taehyung? What're you... doing here?"

"I heard about what happened. From Namjoon, he gave me the address for this hospital so I rushed here. I don't know what happened nor was I there when all of this took place, but I know all too well, more than anything, that Jin will get bett-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Stop giving me false hope, alright! I know this is my fault, if only I had moved out of the way in time then none of this would have even happened, we wouldn't be in this wretched hospital and Jin wouldn't be going through all that. But no! I stood there, all paranoid and shit for so long that my friend had to come and take the fall for me. God damn it Taehyung, you do not need make me feel better and even though I appreciate you trying to do that, it's just no use at all, okay!"

Hoseok kept on blabbing without stopping for a moment, unbeknowst to him, Taehyung pulled out a small thing out of his pocket. A blue and white toy, made out of metal, a button on it's stomach.


"Press the button."

Hoseok, boggled or more like extremely puzzled by the absurd and sudden appearance of a toy, pressed the button and the theme song of Doraemon started playing, it's sweet melody ringing through his ears. However, this still did not satisfy his confusion about the whole thing.

"B-but what's this.. all about? Why would you-"

"Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you."


This time Taehyung pressed the button and started speaking again, still having his ears be filled with the amazing tone of the nostalgic song.

"You've faced a lot, Hoseok. Not saying this from personal knowledge or something, but from an idol's point of view. You're like doraemon, you don't give up no matter what the situation and find a solution for everything. Don't give up this time either."

With these words said out loud, Taehyung threw the small toy toward a perplexed Hoseok who catched it with no difficulty whatsoever.

"But what about you then, who are you." This seemed to have come out more like a statement than a question for some reason, to which Taehyung answered without taking any time at all.

"Me? Nobita maybe. I'm klutzy, a chatter box, hate to study, bad at sports, forgetful, and a goof-off. But I'm still me. And I love myself." With that he walked away, a wave still playing on his hands. This talk had come out as a more serious conversation than what it seemed on the surface.

"Doraemon, huh?"

Vivid memories of the past few days played in his head like a film, a cinematic record of his days flashing right through his eyes.

"I wish I was."
I'm sorry for updating late but I had no motivation to do anything for the past few days, here you go. Thankyou for reading! And thanks a lot for 6k as well!!💞

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