Chapter 11
Nathan's POV
It was finally Saturday and the boys were all here. Jasmine and Lauren were making some snacks for themselves and we got them to make us some too. We were all laughing and having fun and then we heard a knock at the door. I had chocolate on my nose and cheeks because of Jasmine...We all had some around our faces.
"Who's that? You guys expecting anyone?" I asked and everyone shook their heads. I went to the door to open the door.
"Bethany? Hilary? What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We're sleeping over. Didn't Jasmine or Lauren tell you?"
"No. It must've slipped. Hold on." I said and closed the door.
"Lauren. Jasmine. It's for you." I said and they looked surprised.
Lauren's POV
"Bethany?" Jasmine said
"Hilary?" I said when Jasmine opened the door.
"What are you guys doing here?" she asked.
"Sleepover." Bethany said.
"We told you we had plans." I said.
"Does your plans include hanging out with the hottest guys in school? Including MY BOYFRIEND." Hilary asked.
"No. WE have plans. It was just a coincidence that they had plans too." I explained.
"Can we join? We're already here." Bethany said.
"We told you not to come but you came anyways, why would-" I said until Jasmine pulled me to the side.
"They're already here."
"But where are they going to stay? We were supposed to sleep in your room tonight and there's no way I'm letting them anywhere near my bedroom."
"But Lauren-"
"Lauren. They're-"
"No way."
"They could stay in the guest room. Look, I don't want them here either but who am I to make them go back home. And plus, maybe they aren't who we thought they were. Maybe they aren't that bad."
"Fine." I said crossing my arms. "Come in." I added and they ran in and handed us their bags.
"Excuse me? Do you expect us to bring your bags?" I asked.
"Well, that's why we handed them to you." Bethany said.
"Of course not. Sorry force of habit." Hilary aid taking the bag.
"What? I'm not carrying my own-"Bethany said and Hilary pulled her to the side and then Bethany came back and took her bag.
"Where do we put them?" Hilary asked and then Jasmine walked them to the guest room while I closed the door and walked back to the boys. Kyle and Nathan walked up to me.
"Why are they here?" Kyle asked.
"Apparently, we invited them." I said.
"You guys invited them?!? Why?" Nathan said.
"Of course we didn't invite them Nathan. They just came here."
"Well, then why did you guys let them in?" Kyle asked.
"You know Jasmine. She thinks they just want to be friends."
"Well why do you think they're here?" Nathan asked.

Expect the Unexpected in LA
RomanceThis is ONE of my favorite stories. It's a story about two best friends from Florida who move to LA. When they go to LA they didn't expect that drama would come right at them on the first day of school, so I guess we should've told them that they ne...