Momotaru M. x Gfreader

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Momo: i miss everything about you😢

y/n: aww. I love you😘

momo: i love you from here to the moon😘😘

y/n: you're the best Boyfriend ever.❤❤

momo: you're The best Girlfriend in the whole Uneverse❤ I love you😘😘

y/n: i love you too❤

momo: i love you more❤

Y/n: i ❤ you most.

Momo: i ❤ you motest!

Y/n: i ❤ you more than anything in this world!

Momo: i ❤ you more than anything in the whole wide Uneverse!

Y/n: i ❤ you more than words can describe😘

momo: you're totally going to marry me someday.

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