A Little Visit (Part 1)

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Edd's p.o.v.

Oh god, this is so embarrassing. I know someone picked my folder up and read through it and thought it was gay and now they knoew my name and they're going ti make fun of me and OH GOD. This day can't get any worst, I couldn't even go on the bus to face Kevin. He probably read my song and thought it was weird and now he'll never talk to me and FUCK. Godness I need to watch my language. Ugh, I need to calm my emotions and just take deep breaths.

Before I could could even take my first breath I heard a car coming behind me along with a lot of yelling. "HEY GAY BOY!!" I heard a yell before feeling a water ballon hit my head. Followed by more shouts and laughs, I was hit multiple times with water ballons. I dropped the books I was holding attempting to block the water ballons. Not once even catching sight of who throwing them. I barely opened my eyes and reconized the person in the passenger seat. It was the guy who tripped me today when I was walking up the stairs. Once the water ballon stopped the car took off with a screehing sound. Thank godness none of my assignments gotten wet, well completely. I on the other hand was dripping wet. "Ugh, dirty, dirty, dirty." I said shaking my hands attempting to shake most of the water off.

Once I arrived home I saw that mother wasn't home. I saw a note on the counter and read it. "Edd, I have to work very late tonight, sorry :( There's ramen in the cabnet if you are too tired to make anything. x-mom.". I put down the note and went upstairs to my room. I'm expecting more night like this to occur. This new job was going to be demanding, but it is just a chance my mother and I going to take in order to begin a better life.

Once I had gotten to my room and immediately changed out of my wet clothes and gotten into clean ones. I started to think about the day and saw that the beginning wasn't that bad. Besides when I was reminded of my father. I know Kevin didn't know but I never want to think of him again. In addition there was the embarrassing library incident during lunch time. Godness I cringe at the thought, I must of looked like a moron when Kevin arrived the library. Not to mention the fact that I left my music folder at the library where possible someone just idiotic would pick it up, know who I am, and make fun of me for the rest of the school year. That would be horribly unpleasant.

My thoughts where interupped when I heard my doorbell ring. I walked downstairs to the door and opened it up to see Kevin standing in front of me. "Kevin, hello." I said shocked that he was at my door. My heart to beat out of pace at the sight of him, I was able to control my fluster which was good. "Hey." he replied. "You left somethin' at the library." He said holding my music folder. OH NONONO! HE SAW IT! HE SAW MY SONGS AND HE THINKS I'M WEIRD OH GODNESS KILL ME NOW! "Oh, w-why thank you." I said grabbing the folder quickly. My cheek immediately turned a bright red in pure embarrassment. I never felt so humilated in my entire life.

"By the way, I kinda look through your music and it was really good." He said fixing his hat a bit. My heart cane to a stop when I heard those worda leave his mouth. He really thought my music was enjoyable? "I beg your pardon?" I asked stupidly. "The song you write, they're, well, amazing." He said looking at me now. I can't believe what I'm hearing. He's the first person that's ever complimented my music. Actually he's the only one that's ever seen my music. "You really believe my music is good?" I said. "Definitely." He said said lightly smiling. I blushed at his smile, my he was cute. "By the way, can I hang out here for a bit? My mom isn't home and everything is locked sooo." He said pointing towards his house with his thumb. Oh my godness. he want to come inside my house? Dear, I haven't unpacked everything yet. "Y-yes you may, come in." I said opening the wider for him. "Thanks." He said walking in.

"I wasn't prepared for anyone to come and visit so I apoligize for the mess." I said adjusting some items on the coffee table. He nodded his head and looked around my home. "Shall I offer you some tea?" I asked mataining my manners. "Sure thanks." He said turning to me and smiling. I swear, hsi actions were going in slow motion to me. Glistening sparkles surrounding him as made his way around my home. Wait, what was I suppose to be doing again? Right! Tea! I went into the kitchen and started to make the best tea I could.

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