Entry #1

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"Cake!!!!" I screamed, what's taking her so long? " We're gonna be late for the party Prince Gumball invited us.

I don't understand what's taking her so long. She doesn't even wear any clothes but she is female though. I'm really excited for this party and quite nervous if you must ask. Why? Well because all the princes will be there and I'm not wearing my usual adventurer clothes (I was wearing it underneath). The baby blue dress felt awkward on my body without my green back pack but I still had my bunny hat but I gotta give the dress some credit for bringing out the colour of my eyes. Yes, that's right. I care with what I wear. I hear shuffling and saw that Cake finally finished.

"Let's go, Cake we're already a few minutes late for the party."


Music was blasting when we got there. I took a peek inside and saw that the other princes were already dancing and partying. I had second thoughts if I should still go inside or just go back home.

"Come on, Fionna, don't tell me you made me rush for nothing" Cake complained.

"Go ahead, I'll go in right after you" I smiled at her.

'' If you say so..." she shrugged.

I really didn't want to go inside so I decided to leave and just come back for Cake. I was about to walk away when a cold hand pulled me back. I didn't have to know who did it so..

" Yes, Marshall Lee?" I asked looking back to him. Have I mentioned that he's my good friend? No? Well. Now you know. He can be a jerk sometimes, wait let me rephrase that to all the time, but he's always been there for me like Cake.

"And where does the pretty girl in blue does she think she's going?" giving me his usual smirk

"Home, Marshall, home. I find the party utterly dull and boring for my liking. Not much adventure if I must say." I retorted while raising my eyebrow. since when did he care about where I go? "Is there anything wrong with that?

"No need to get feisty, princess. I just find it unusual for you to just leave a party Prince Gumball invited you to. Usually you would get excited when you're invited to one of these things." Marshall countered back. He started floating around me, circling me and tugging at my dress. My heart is pumping like crazy now and I can feel my cheeks reddening.

"Uhh.." No! Why am I stuttering?

"Ooh, don't tell me I have an effect on you, Fionna?" his eyes were glinting as he said this. My reactions really caught his interest.

He was getting closer, closer, and closer to me. I can't help but notice his slightly parted lips. It was really tempting...


"OOWW!! What was that for?! I was only teasing you. Jeez, you need to loosen up. You are really strong for a girl." Pain was visible on his face. He was rubbing his head with one of his hands.


"Sorry, Lee.'' embarrassing much. " You know how I feel about being teased. Come here."

He floated towards me and I hugged him. I guess this kinda surprised him since he tensed a little but returned the hug anyway. I rubbed the part of his head that I smacked. And for some weird reason i started smelling him. For a dead guy he smelled really nice. He smelled... citrusy. I really love the smell of sour fruits. I didn't realize I was smelling him untill..

"Umm.. Fionna? Why are you smelling me?" he asked awkwardly.

"What?! No!! I wasn't uh uhm sm-smelling you. I was just trying to find where that citrusy scent was coming from? Guess what? The smell is coming from your head. Hehe.." My cheeks were now officially on fire and I was awkwardly scratching the back of my head with a sheepish smile plastered on my face. Oh glob, can this night get any worse?

"O-okay.. Fionna there is nothing wrong if you have feelings for me but I don't feel the same way towards you. We can still be friends though." Marshall Lee was messing with me since there was a hidden smirk on his lips.

SMACK!! SMACK!! That's right I smacked him twice on the same place.

"Seriously, Fiona? I was just messing with you." Marshall whined.

"Whatever, Marshall Lee. You can never be serious, can you?" I was ultimately pissed.

I stormed off since the night was only going to get worse.


I threw my dress on my bed. So much for bringing out the colour of my eyes. I really don't know why he keeps on infuriating me. Why be a jerk when he can be something much better than that. I was busy storming my head off that I didn't hear the door open.

"Fionna? I-" a quiet voice said

"I don't have time for your nonsense, Marshall Lee. It would be best if you leave my place." I interrupted.

"Just give me a chance to explain. I'm really sorry for what I did earlier, Fionna. I feel really bad for what I did. I'm really horrible. I just can't help it 'coz I was born evil. There's nothing I can do about it." he dismally said.

"This is what I don't like about you. You think you're destined to be some kind of evil vampire dead raising dude even though you are so much more than that. This isn't like the first time you showed remorse. An evil guy doesn't show remorse, Marshall." I said in a quiet and comforting manner.

His face showed a ghost of a smile. "Do you still remeber the first time we met each other?", there wasn't a hint of gloominess in his voice. Thank glob!!


"Cake! Look, I see him!" I shook Cake awake. I was looking for the mystery guy with my telescope. He had midnight black hair, red eyes, slim build and average height. Typical bad boy look and I was a sucker for those looks. That's strange I only see him at night.

"Huh? Wh-what? Lemme see.." Cake grabbed the telescope from me. "I don't see anything, it's too dark already. (yawn) I'm gonna go sleep now. Night, Fionna."

I hope my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. I was kinda tired and sleepy. One last look couldn't hurt right?

"Where are you, mystery hot dude?" I said to myself. I couldn't find him anywhere. Oh well, I guess I'll go sleep too.

"Looking for me?"

I whipped my head and saw my mystery guy floating off of the ground. Fur-reaky!

"Who are you? And what are you?"

" I am Marshall Lee the vampire king and who might you be?" Confidence was radiating from him.

"I'm Fionna the human. Adventurer." I replied back with the same confidence.

"So, you think I'm hot?" he asked with a sly smirk

"Wh-what? Did I say that out loud? Hehe.." my confidence sank to the ground. I gotta stop talking to myself.

"You do admit it. Don't worry I find you stunning too.."


"Yeah, I do. It's clear as day...." I said as a knowing smile formed on my lips.


Hi guys! (and girls >-<) This is the first time I made a fanfic. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as how I enjoyed writing it. Do comment if you have any suggestions. (and vote too it will be greatly apreciated :) *) Happy reading, peeps!


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