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Of fucking course Scott had left me in the car. Sure, why not leave a person who's been reported missing for over a month in your own car on an empty parking lot. His logic was not working. He'd gone into the building I assumed was the house I'd stayed in before, and goddamn it was huge. It didn't exactly look fancy from outside, not anything mansion-like, it looked more like a modern industrialized three story apartment block, only I knew that there weren't several apartments inside but it was all one huge house. I wanted to follow Scott but he'd locked the door so there was no chance for me to escape.

I sighed, leaning back in the car. What a fucking day. Last night, though, last night was quite an experience... I still hadn't really processed that I was no longer a virgin now, that we'd actually had sex... Scott Hoying had his beautiful, big cock inside my tight little asshole and that thought alone was enough to get me fucking hard again. I sighed. Fucking puberty, you get hard-ons for nothing. But then again, I wouldn't call Scott Hoying nothing. The way he'd touched me, the way he'd kissed me... The way he'd felt so big... The pain mixed with pleasure, the moans and hard breaths escaping our lips, his hand on me, his mouth on me, his mouth kissing and biting my neck, my lips, my stomach... I can still feel the rough fabric rubbing against my hard cock as I was naked and he was still fully clothed.

I wished I had one more night. Just one more night to do it all again. But I'd never get it.

The first drop on the windshield zapped me back to reality. I shivered, not even feeling the cold but knowing it's there. My stomach clenched as I checked the clock - Scott's been already gone for one and a half hours. Something wasn't right, it was as if I could feel it, sense it... My head started pounding and something drew me outside, the only thing holding me back were the locked doors...

Oh my god. I am so stupid. The child safety lock!

I started pulling it until it gave in, making a click and the car was unlocked. I immediately got out, running towards the entrance. If anyone caught me, I was sure I would get shot right away. But usually no one was there except for Esther, right?

And Alex.

Alex was the problem, not the staff, not anyone, it was Alex.

I slowed down when I got to the door, eventually coming to a halt. I pulled and pushed the handle, expecting the door to be closed but it swung open right away, leaving me staring at a long hallway decorated with a red carpet and dark wooden furniture with golden rims. I gasped, for the first time actually seeing the expanse of Alex's millions. I got sick to my stomach. He was able to afford all of this just because of heartbroken families who were seeking self-justice.

Then I heard it, the all too familiar voice of the boy who meant a lot to me. My Scott.

"Alex, you son of a bitch!" He shouted. "What the fuck?!"

"I'm sorry, Scott. This has to be done."

"What do you mean this has to be done?!"

"I know you brought him along. You wouldn't leave the love of your life alone in your house, would you?"

I tensed. What did Alex want to do to me?!

"He's gone."


"He left just this morning. I let him go."

"After you told him everything?!" Alex shouted. "You fucking idiot!"

A thud. I started walking towards the voices even though my legs didn't want to move but something told me to go there.

Something bad was about to happen and I knew it.

If You Love Me Let Me Go (Scömìche)Where stories live. Discover now