Equinox - Autumn 14

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It is the middle of the year

and we stand at that point where all

the forces of our world rest in

equal measure of light and dark.

Between extremes of heat and cold

lie the best of all the seasons

where warm days and the cool of night

make our lives easy and simpler.

In the north the solar being

having risen from winter stirs

all to flower so that the fruits

of Melissa's labours are born.

This Vernal Equinox is still

marked with celebrations and gifts

of eggs and flowers, symbols of

rebirth and the promised harvests.

Come down to us through the ages.

Adopted here and altered there,

to suit the powers that be and their

greed and lust for domination.

In the south the spent force of light

repents the long houred days of

relentless heat and burn leaving

the land parched and over grazed.

This Autumnal equinox has

seen failures of monsoonal rains

and thunderstorms before dawn light.

Many weather records broken

Tis pity this balance of dark

and light cannot take hold upon

the human heart and illumine

psyche and soul in unison.

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