iii. high spirits and wide smiles

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Rose woke up the next morning with a heavy heart and an even heavier soul,The world around her seemed as if it was moving in slow motion, as if it was some fantasy,And when Rose walked out her front door, the sun didn't seem to be shining as brigh...

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Rose woke up the next morning with a heavy heart and an even heavier soul,
The world around her seemed as if it was moving in slow motion, as if it was some fantasy,
And when Rose walked out her front door, the sun didn't seem to be shining as bright, and the birds just didn't seem to be chirping as cheerfully,
Everything about the reality she was living in seemed fake, and dull,
Rose wished there was an alternative to this.

When she walked inside, the bell immediately rang, signaling for the beginning of school,
 Rose hurriedly walked to her locker, and got her stuff for first block.,
The hallways were now officially empty, not a single soul in sight,
Rose felt someone's eyes on her, but she shrugged away the feeling and quickly walked into class. 

But when she started down the hallways, she noticed more than one pair of eyes on her,
And they were full of pity,
She saw people turn and stare at her, their eyes sad and their lips turned up in a sympathetic smile,
And when she walked in first period, even the teacher looked at her sympathetically. 

Who could have done this?
 And she realized, when Carrie walked into the classroom, holding her binders, a kind smile on her face, that Carrie was the one who had snitched,
Flashbacks to the night when her mother was on her deathbed,and her being ushered out by a nurse, came back to her,
And the nurse, who she had so kindly thought was trying to help her, with the name of "Wesley", was not as she had seemed,
With that, Rose had hated her more,
And when Carrie had proceeded to walk towards Rose,
Rose's hand was itching to slap her. 

"Rose, how are you?" Carrie whispered,
Rose could not return the smile,
"I-I'm ok." She whispered, her eyes stared glaringly,
knowing that all lips in the classroom had stopped talking and all eyes were on her.
"If you ever need me, you can always let me know. I'll be here to help you."
Rose smiled and muttered a small "thanks" before going to her seat and sitting down.

This was already going to be a long day. 

When Rose was looking through her locker,
 ready to go home, she felt a presence behind her,
 And when she turned around, it was Paul,
He smiled at her, and Rose could almost feel the heat radiating from his body.
"Hey Rose, is everything ok?"
Rose smiled back, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"Y-yeah, I just have to go home." Rose cursed herself
The one time she had the chance to talk to her soulmate, and she ruins it,
She smiled at him before closing her locker, and getting ready to walk out the door behind her, She turned around, before she felt a hand on her forearm,
.Rose looked up in confusion. 

"Well, since I'm not that busy today, would you like to go to the park with me? This afternoon at about 4, if that's good with you?" He blushed a little,
almost as if he was too shy to say anything,
Rose only stared in amazement. "I-I-" She stuttered, "I would love to."
She finally got out one full sentence without completely embarrassing herself,
And with that, his smile widened even more. "Alright, see you then."
He started walking away, before he yelled over his shoulder "Wear something nice, you won't regret it!" 

And with that, Rose smiled,
For the first time, since her mother's death,
And the cause of that?

When she got home later that night,
 Rose smiled, before checking the clock,
It was time to get ready. 

Rose remembers the first time she ever got ready for an event,
It was when her mother took her out to dinner, a fancy restaurant by the name of "Pearl Blue",
She remembered how excited she was, and how she got ready and just sat there for about an hour, waiting for her mom to pick her up from work,
Rose felt her sadness slowly seep back into her heart,
"Stop," She told herself,
She wouldn't let her sad and lame self ruin her finally happy soul,
She spent about 90 minutes getting ready, taking a nice, hot shower, picking out her prettiest dress, finally applying some makeup,
She looked in the mirror, and smiled,
She looked good. But most importantly, she felt good,
She felt content and at peace with herself,
There were no more wars to be fought with her bottomless pit of sadness,
She had officially won.

And with her spirits high and her smile wide, she walked out the door, towards the park.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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