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{Chapter 10: You Are Ruining This For Me}

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{Chapter 10: You Are Ruining This For Me}

"So I was thinking this beautiful white archway to distract from the pink flowers you chose" Rose says looking at her computer. The girl made Farkle come with her to the Matthews home to help plan for the wedding. The newlyweds and the already weds sat on the larger sofa as Rose sat on a chair with Farkle sitting on the arm of the chair. "Rose" Farkle says warningly seeing the looks she was given.

"What?... I mean the flowers are beautiful!" Rose says smiling. "Right" Shawn says raising an eyebrow.

"Anyways, I was thinking about this heart that is made of flowers to put on the wall and have all kinds of pink and white flowers hanging around the roof" Rose says as she took out pictures and drawings of what she wanted to have done. "Wow, these are great Rose" Katy says looking at the pictures.

"You drew these?" Shawn asks holding up a drawing of the heart full of flowers she was talking about. "Well yeah, I couldn't find any pictures that fit that way I pictured in my mind" Rose says as if it were obvious.

"These are amazing, Rose" Topanga says looking through the pictures. "Thinking about becoming a wedding planner?" Cory says looking at the picture his wife was holding.

"Not sure yet. I know I want to become a designer of some sort, but I'm just trying everything out first before I settle" Rose says. "Smart" Shawn nods smiling at the overly excited girl.

"We should go check on the girls" Topanga says to her husband. The two then walk away leaving the newly weds talk with their 'planner'. "So I was thinking since you want it to be a small wedding. How about instead of huge bright lights since you also mentioned you would like the wedding to be at night the walk way could be candles" Rose says to the couple.

"That actually sounds great, Rose" Katy smiles at the girl after she looking at her soon to be husband. "Also I was thinking-"

"Katy!" They hear Topanga yell. "Happy!" Next Cory yells.

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