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:CorbynBesson: You Make Me Smile :p :)

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:CorbynBesson: You Make Me Smile :p :)


:bbylindsey: Cuteieeee :p

:usernum3: omg lindsey is hereee :p

:imzachherron: damn corbyn you got the girls :p

:seaveydaniel: seriously i ship them c:

:jackaverymusic: SAMMEEEEE

:bbylindsey: oml guys we are not dating 

:corbynbesson: we could c;

:bbylindsey: oml no you guys are too weird today :p

:liamariejohnson: Lindsey you need to accept the fact that you guys would be cute AF

:bbylindsey: oml okayyy xD

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~~~~~~~~~~CorbynBesson disabled the comments~~~~~~~~~~

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:bbylindsey: Thinking about you <3


:corbynbesson: it's alright babes i'm thinking about you too <3

:imzachherron: wow corbyn got the girl AGAIN

:seaveydaniel: OMG NO WAY ~FANGIRLS~

:jackaverymusic: #cordsey

:bbylindsey: guys we are NOT dating

:liamariejohnson: don't worry boyz it will happen i just know it will TRUST ME

:imzachherron: Wait so i still have a chance?

:corbynbesson: NO BACK OFF SHE IS MINE

:seaveydaniel: look corbyn is getting jelly

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                                        LINDSEY'S P.O.V

Wow i can not believe that they already have a ship name for us. Well i mean he is a sweet guy but we haven't even met in person yet, for all i know he could be a creepy old man that likes to stalk girls. But tbh i doubt it he is cute too :p. But i doubt he would ever like me he could for sure find a prettier girl even though his band mate Jack is dating Lia which might i add that they are so couple goals!!!. I sat down at my desk in my room and saw my phone blowing up with twitter so clicked on the app and saw that Cordsey was trending number one on twitter i giggled and turned of my phone. I changed into some PJ's and got into bed while thinking on what Corbyn was like in person as i slowly fell asleep, i woke up to my phone ringtone and saw that it was Lia calling me so i answered.

Lia: Hey girly

Me: Hey babes c:

Lia: So if you don't mind me asking but do you like corbyn

Me: Yeah but i would like him more maybe if i met him in person

Lia: well that could happen this week on friday

Me: Omg really?

Lia:Yeah really

Me: Yay so since today is Tuesday and i get to met him friday?

Lia: Yeah cause the whole ban will be over my house Friday

Me: That's great well i'm gonna head back to sleep i'm sleepy

Lia: okay love i love you soooo much and i will talk to you soon babes

Me: Love you too love goodnight

and then she hung up. Oh my gosh i can't believe that i get to meet him on Friday that's in 3 days and i'm so excited to met him. As i lay back down and quickly fall back asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CORBYN'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh my god i just got news that i will be able to meet Lindsey on Friday  and i'm soo happy that i get to met that perfect, beautiful girl that i first saw on social media. I really hope she is sweet, kind and most of all i hope she likes me as much as i'm starting to like her if she doesn't that's okay  there are plenty of fish in the sea for me but for now i just hope she likes me back because i mean she did say she was thinking about me but then again she could have said that about someone else but everyone thinks it was about me. I can't believe zach tried to take her from me and yeah i did get kind of jealous but i mean they always take the girls i meet first away from me. But i'm gonna try my hardest not to let her go i know a lot of guys say this but i can just feel that there is something different about her and i just can't wait to meet her. I put my phone on charge and set it on my night stand and turn over on my left side quickly falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh my gosh i really hope you guys liked this chapter i feel like it is a short chapter but idek :p but anyways thanks for reading my book and please if you want you can check out my Vampire Diaries Preferences and Imagines Book if you would like too c: but anyways i hope you guys Enjoyed Chapter 2 of Instagram//Why Don't We thanks for reading Love You Guys~~~~~Sadie

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