The wedding and Sadness

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I walked down the aisle nervous and scared for what was to come next.I didn't love him but he loved me how was I supposed to tell him.He loved me with all his heart I couldn't break his heart.Well I thought he loved me with all his heart.

I got to the alter and sighed looking at him he smiled his devilish smile the smile I hated.That smile made me want to vomit I looked at my parents my dad held up his thumb and smiled.My dad had the same smile I looked to my mother she was staring at the floor she looked sad.I could feel the tears fill my eyes I jumped as the priest began talking I looked back at Jack he was still smiling.I smiled back but the tears fell off my face like rivers flowing through a forest.He reached over and wiped my tears away I wanted to break his hand for touching me.

"Jack will you take Hanna to be you lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked with a smile why did everyone have the same smile the same sickly smile that I wanted to destroy.

"I do." Jack looked at me his eyes looked evil and full of something that I couldn't explain.

"and do you Hannah take Jack to be you lawfully wedded husband?" I stared at the floor then looked at Jack.He held out his hand I looked away and grabbed his hand.

"I-I do." The words spilled out quiet and scared I was terrified they didn't hear me but Jack did and he kissed me.I just wanted to be at home safe away from this creep this man was just a jerk that I hated.He wasn't my husband he wasn't my love he was just a man my dad liked.

We ran down the aisle and out of the church as the bell's rang out a loud annoying sound.It was supposed to be a joyous occasion but I couldn't be happy about marrying a man I didn't love.We ran all the way to the yard where we would dance and celebrate our wedding but I wanted to leave and cry for hours.But I couldn't I had to keep a bright happy face for my parents even more so for my mother.She knows I hate this man she knows I want to runaway and explore the country side.

We danced sang and drank for hours but it was finally time to catch the plane to our honey moon.The place I didn't want to be is at that hotel where who knows what he would do to me I didn't want to know.I didn't want go I wanted to stay with my mom the only person who knew how it felt to marry a man you didn't love.She was forced to marry my father still to this day she regretted not running away when she had the chance.I regretted it too I had quite a few chances to run away and forget this all and find a man I loved.But, I didn't take those chances I stayed for my mother but she said she would be happy for me if I ran away.

We sat in our seats on the plane I stared out the window trying not to cry or look at him I knew he was staring at me.I knew he was I could feel his eyes on the back of my head they were like icicles piercing through my brain.I glanced at him I regretted it instantly he grabbed my face and kissed me.I just sat there wanting someone to say to get off me or for him to stop.When he finally stopped kissing me he just stared into my eyes I looked out the window.I wanted to just jump out and get away from him get away from this life I was forced into.

"are you alright baby you haven't said anything all day." I glanced back at him and I sighed not wanting to talk in fear that I would cry again.

"s-sorry I was just thinking." I smiled the most fake smile I have ever made I felt sick to my stomach.He smiled back his sick devilish smile like always I hated it I hated everything about him.I hated his smile I hated his eyes I hated his entire existence

"thinking about how much fun we are gonna have?" he winked I wanted to vomit.

"u-um yeah I was thinking about that." I didn't look at him he would be able to tell I was lying about it.

He placed a hand on my leg I jumped as he rubbed my leg his touch was like spikes running through every vein I had in my body.I sighed and smiled still a fake smile.

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