Im so tired

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"Maya I'm not going anywhere. You tap in your demon side one more time and we take it out."
"It's my life! My body! It's not hurting anyone I'm controlling it and using it for the good. So what I let it because I wanted to feel dirty. Let me do as I please."
"You are still my child and you are not 18 so no I won't let you do as you please."
I bring my voice down to a whisper."You know, you said you father was an ass and tried to control your life so you left maybe I should do the same."
He walks closer with anger in his eyes but I don't back down. I look straight into his eyes and watch him closely. Lucifer walks in between us and pushes dad pack.
"Lucifer, please, this is our fight." He walks back and sits behind me.
I stand up and look my father in the eyes.
"Don't you dare compare me to my father."
"Ok Samuel." He pushes me back  and Lucifer stands up.
"You two need to come down she's gonna have sex it's part of life. And Lucifer sit down. Maya your dad is just worried about your demon side. And Sam you where on demon blood but still no you don't know what it's like to part demon and have it live inside you forever with no choice, no matter what me and Bobby believe she can control this. She's done it all her life so both of you need to shut it."
"Thanks Dean."
"No problem Maya."
"Dad sometimes I wish you would understand that this is who I am and no matter what she will come out sometimes."
"I know I just don't want you to hurt yourself."
"It's okay Da-"
"Idijts! We have a problem."
We run to the window to see people getting out of a car.
"Their demons." Cas shows up out of no where.
"Who are they?"
"Their after Sam and Maya."
"Here big guy. Come on demon girl."
There inside.
They start to jump into action but Lucifer stops them and starts to whisper
"Those are high power demons I just hid my and Castiel's grace from them. But the only way to kill them would be an angel blade which only half of us have and Ik you won't like this Sam but Maya can them kill faster than we can and she knows how. You have to let her."
"Only if she's careful."
We get ready for the fight and we walk out the room. I head down the hall with Cas.
"Well well look who we have here." I look behind me and see no Cas
"Who? Me hon? Ohh I'm just walking by." I say with all the pep in my body. She walks closer and I begin to change, my eyes turn yellow -just like my uncles- I raise my hand and she goes knocking down. My eyes get bigger and bigger and than they shoot and she's dead. Cas shows up and kills the other two.
"Where did you go asshole?"
"To help Dean there's 6 more demons. Dean and Bobby have 3 more to deal with and Sam and Lucifer have the other three."
"You go help Dean and Bobby, I got the other two."
I run out the door and go to the wood line. I see Lucifer and Dad. I run over to help. I got there just in time Lucifer killed one but the other put a spell on him. There's three so Cas must have miscounted. They all back up.
"How do expect to fight us Maya no weapon."
"I'll fight you the same way Azazel did." My eyes glow yellow and I face my eyes towards one of the demons and he falls to the ground. Gosh this hurts. My head starts to diz and I can't really focus but I don't stop I look towards Luci and I touch him removing the spell. I get even more dizzy but I keep going.
"Don't kill the last demon." I hear Lucifer whisper in my ear. I look over to see dad kill the other demon. Lucifer wraps his hands around my waist hands on each side.
"Do it."
I keep focus on that one demon. Everything sounds far away- Lucifer a breathing, dads heartbeat, Cas Dean and Bobby tuning up screaming. My eyes shot out and she's wounded. Two shots in each leg and one on each arm. Holding her down like a tie is in the grass. I turn around to see demons chasing the other guys so I raise my hand and one falls I run over there I flip in the air and land on ones shoulders and I snap his neck. He falls and I land with knees bended on the ground. The demon is so powerful she fights all of them and the only one with the chance of wining is me, Lucifer and Cas. I jump into action and kill the last demon by stabbing her in the throat with an angel blade I picked up. We go back to the one we left alive to see her trying to escape I walk up from behind and snatch her up.
"I believe you're coming with me."
I drag her to the house and down to the basement and put her in the devils trap.
"Tell me who's after me and my father."
"Prince of hell wants your dad. Azazel is after you. He wants to see you Maya."
"I'm gonna cut a deal with you, Kay?"
"I'm gonna let you go and you tell Azazel he can only see me if he gets the prince of hell of my dad. But don't you ever come back in this house or mess with anyone I care about, you understand or I will torture you with all that I have in me. And trust me that would be way worse than this "Prince of hell" you speak of. And I have Lucifer on my side. So watch out."

I slam my foot down and the devil trap disappears and so does she. I feel like I've weakened I'm dizzy and can't stand well. I fall to the ground and it all goes black.

I've finally got some longer stories not as long as I've liked but I've been so busy with live and stuff and I'm becoming an aunt in September. Kinda can't wait

Sam's Daughter, or Lucifers LoveWhere stories live. Discover now