Chapter 14: Depression

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<Harry POV>

I had a bad feeling. I don't know why. I was just tweeting my fans, making sure to reply to some when someone tweeted me of a picture of Nicolet, at the same coffee shop where Josh took him, with Josh and that blonde chick Bridget and I found while stalking them. Nicole seemed on the verge of tears, and that's where it hit me. She already found out.

Not knowing much how she would handle this situation, I dashed to her flat, taking a bit long because the lifts are full, so I took the stairs.

I arrived at her door, slightly out of breath and tried opening it, finding it locked. I knocked and called her name.



I hear some glass crackling and I panicked, fishing out her spare keys from my pocket and fumbled on opening the door, swinging it open as soon as it did.

She stood there, her jumper heavily stained with blood, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, showing cuts, lots of them. Her face is pale, especially her lips. She smiled at me, before fainting.

"Nicole!" I screamed, rushing towards her and catching her, before her head hits the floor.

"Nicole, wake up! Nicole! " I shake her,  trying to wake her up,  my shirt also staining with her blood.

She half-opened her eyes before talking. " You're right, I'm sorry. " Then her eyes closed shut.

" Nicole! "  I shake her again, but it's no use,  so I carried her and rushed to the hospital.

+ + + + +

" Miss Collins' family? "  the doctor calls and I snap back my attention to the doctor.

" I'm.. I'm her friend. " I shakily breathed.

" I'm doctor Holter " he shook his head. " Miss Collins lost a lot of blood, but we were able to supply her with blood and stitch up all her cuts, but I have to ask, Mister Styles, does Miss Collins have a history of depression? "

" D-depression? "  I asked and he nodded.  " I - i don't know... Why? "

" I have suspicions she is depressed, " doctor Holter said.  " I suggest you put her in therapy, and observe her so she won't do it again. "  And he left me there.

She's depressed? She doesn't look like depressed, but why? I couldn't only be because of Joshua's doings,  there must be something else.

Speaking of the prick,  he should pay for this.

" Harry! " I turn and see Bridget running towards me, Niall following after her. " What happened to Nicolet? "

" She cuts her wrists.. "  I whisper, sitting down a chair.

" Is she awake? " She asked and I shook my head.  " I should have told you guys about Nicole 's condition. When her dad died, she entered a slight depression, but it got worse when Brian cheated on her. She does cuts her wrists,  but she stopped before we went here,  I never thought she'd do it again. "

She hugged Niall and started sobbing, Niall comforting her.

" Can we go to her room now? " He asks.

" Yeah. " I mutter, standing up and heading to her hospital room.

She lay there unconscious, an IV tube connected in her right hand and her bandages covered from her wrist to her elbow on both hands.

The sight of her just makes me want to cry,  but I hold it back, wiping the tears in my eyes.

" Have you told the other lads? " Bridget quietly asks.

I nodded.  " I called them earlier,  they're on their way. "

" I have to get home,and clean up our place and pick up a few of her stuff. Do you think you can watch her for a while? " She asked.

" No problem," I smiled weakly.  " Niall,  go with Bridget. "

"Okay mate,  take care. " Niall mumbled, and they both head out.

I sat down by her side, holding her hand.

If she could only see that I won't hurt her intentionally.

I lay my head on my arm,  which was resting on her bed.

" I promise,  I won't hurt you,  Nicole."  I mumbled,  humming to a familiar song.

+ + + + +

< Nikki POV >

Why can't I open my eyes? Why do I feel so numb?  Am I dead?

I can't remember what happened.

" I promise,  I won't hurt you,  Nicole " I hear a familiar voice mumbled before humming a song.

Oh, oh, be my baby,  I'll look after you...

And right there, I never felt more safer.

= = = = = =

I suddenly think this is a tad cute, hope you like it too...

-Claire Xx

NU: Wednesday :-)

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