I Wondered Why You Had A Piano

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After saying his goodbyes to everyone, Buster locked the doors and left Ms. Crawley to finish cleaning up. He climbed the stairs to his office and leaned back in his chair, sighing and loosening his bow tie, relaxing for the first time all day. He loved running the theater, but sometimes it really wore on him. Today had been especially crazy, with him trying to examine new equipment, plan the next play, organize everyone's practice times, and make sure Mike wasn't taking up anyone else's time like yesterday. In fact, now was probably the first time he had sat down all day. The little koala had only sat still for a few moments, however, before his paws itched for something to do. But his feet ached from running around stage all day, and his eyes felt too fuzzy for more paperwork. What then? Buster was too much of a hard worker to relax by doing nothing, but what? Then he remembered his piano.

As soon as he began to play, Buster could feel his body relax, and he completely focused himself into the music. Busters' small hands traveled the length of the instrument, playing piece after piece, switching endlessly. Eventually he sat back and took his paws from the keys; the room was now dark, and Buster's watch said he had been playing for a little over three hours. A sigh from the doorway startled the small koala and he turned to see Ash and Johnny in the doorway, looking embarrassed to be caught watching him. "Wow Buster... I didn't know you could do anything like this. That was great!" Ash exclaimed. Johnny nodded with a big smile. "Yeah Mr. Moon, why didn't you teach me instead of Ms. Crawley?" Buster smiled but hopped off the piano bench, looking embarrassed. "Thanks guys, really, but it's just a hobby. Ms. Crawley is better at teaching anyway- she seems to think that if she doesn't do a lot of extra things than I'll fire her. I can play a few instruments and I'm best at piano, but... I like letting others be the center of attention. The spotlight just isn't for me." Ash and Johnny admitted that they had snuck up after hearing the piano several nights that week, wanting to know who could play so well.

"I mean, we were hearing stuff like Mozart and Beethoven, then it would go to what sounded like freehand, all without pause. We stayed late today and helped Ms. Crawley clean up, then climbed the stairs and watched. We didn't say anything because we didn't want you to stop." Ash and Johnny explained, after Buster asked why they were there so late. Buster explained that he got so absorbed in the music that he didn't even realize what he was playing most of the time. The three talked about music for a while, but eventually Johnny and Ash had to head home. 

Buster waved them goodbye and went back to his office, where he prepared to head to sleep in his bedroom drawer, thinking about what had taken place. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to play for other animals sometimes, if others would like it as much as those two. With this thought in mind, Buster climbed into bed and fell asleep, feeling more relaxed than he had for a very, very long time.

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