It all started with a hand shake

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She smiled at me and said “come in.” And I did just that. I went in. I went in feeling dazed. It had a dream-like feeling to it. Here she is. Sitting in front of me; not knowing how much trouble I’ve been through to see her. And now here she is my new boss and I’ll be seeing her every morning. I couldn’t believe my luck.

                                    “Good morning, I’m Ms. Winston and I will be your new boss so I thought we have to get more acquainted with each other.” I felt a big grin start to form on my face as I heard her musical voice once more.

                                    “I’m James and I will be your new friend so I thought we should go and have lunch together.”

                                    I saw amusement fill her eyes as she thought about what I just said. Slowly a smile made its way to her full tempting lips and her lovely voice filled my ears once more. “Sure but first you have to go see your office and understand what you have to do.” Hearing those words made my heart dance.

                                    “Deal.” She took me around the company and showed me every corner then we got to my desk which was the finally the last thing I had to see. I couldn’t wait to take her out. We were walking into my office when she stumbled and by reflex I reached out and help her. The moment our hands touched our heart intertwined and sparks went through me.

                                    After working for an hour it was lunch time. The time I’ve been waiting for. I went up to her office and her secretary let me in. She was standing by the window with her back towards me. I closed the door soundlessly behind me and walked on tip toe till I was directly behind her then blew out air on her ear. She jumped and fell back into my arms and I took the chance to wrap them around her tiny waist. She turned her face and we were so close I could feel her breath on my skin. I could just move my face a few millimeters and I would get a taste of those lips. Our eyes locked and I was about to lean in when she pulled away.

                                    “We … umm … we should get going.” I nodded with what nearly happened still fresh in my mind. We were both breathing hard so I guess she was thinking about it as much as I was. Maybe even wanted it like I did. We walked down to my car and I tried to break the silence.

                                    “So how was your day so far?”

She turned to me and smiled, “It was good.”

                                    “And it will get better,” I said winking at her and chuckled.

                                    “How do you know?” she asked giggling.

                                    “Well let’s just say that if it didn’t I’ll do you’re washing for a week.”

She laughed then said, “Two weeks.”

                                    “Fine two then.” We both laughed as I pulled in the parking lot of the restaurant near the company.

                                    We sat at a table in the corner of the restaurant and started going through the menu but what was going on through my mind was something else. How the heck am I supposed to pay for this lunch? Oh well … I’ll have to worry about that after we eat. I slowly lowered the menu and looked at her. A waiter came over and greeted her as Ms. Winston. Ugh I wanted to know what her first name is. She ordered and turned to me.

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