The Adventures of Fuck and Gay

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Confused, Gabriel found himself standing in the middle of an empty hallway. He began to mumble under his breath, "Where am..." before he could finish his question a bell rang. Doors opened from both sides of the hallway before teens started to pour out of them. They swarmed the hallway, pushing and bumping into each other. "No. I can't be here, how the hell am I here?", Gabriel spoke with fear in his voice as he looked up too see he was in hallway 3. Gabriel gasped at the sight. He started to yell, "What is today? what's the date? Someone, anyone, please tell me. I need to know!" No one answered. he saw a near by bulletin board. He rushed to it, pushing people aside just to get to it. He finally pushed through the last group of people, to see the latest school news paper hanging from the board. He tore it off and searched for the date. Finding it, his eyes widened and his heart dropped. He felt the color from his face drain as he dropped the paper. "No. Why today? Why this day?" Gabriel asked him self, before a crowd formed behind him and started to push him forward. Gabriel resisted, digging his heels into the floor, trying not to move he pleaded, "No! Stop! I don't want to go! you can't make me!" Gabriel couldn't fight it. He was pushed half way down the hall way by the crowd before he was almost in tears and slowly started to give up on fighting it. He began to drag his feet as the crowd pushed him forward every few steps. He stumbled into the cafeteria where everyone else was going. the crowd finally stopped pushing him and fled around him to get in line. Gabriel didn't bother. He went over and sat down at an empty table. He started thinking to himself, is this real? could this be happening? could I change this day? I have to try. I have too. Gabriel came to a decision and stood up looking around him. "i can change today I can I just have to find..." Before he could finish his thought people started to scream. "No. it's too late..." he muttered to himself. he quickly dropped to the floor trying to hide under the table. He closed his eyes wishing it away. Before he knew it the screaming stopped and the intercom came on. for a minute all there was, was static then it cleared, "Im walking on sunshine! whoooaa! Im walking on on sunshine! whoa uh oh! Cause I feel good!" Gabriel opened his eyes and started to stand, "What the hell?" he stands and looks at the intercom then forward to see a guy with a gun pointed at him. The music was still going, but Gabriel started to scream over it, "No!!" the gun fired.

Gabriel shot up still yelling no, sweat dripping down from his forehead and off of his hair, he stopped for all he saw was darkness. "Am I... dead?" he asked himself before he became coherent enough to hear the music again. He looked to his left to see where the music was coming from, it was his radio alarm clock that sat on the end table next to his bed. "A dream. Of course." he muttered before laughing it off. Then he looked closer at the singing alarm clock, it read 6:12. "Oh shit! going to be late!" Gabriel hopped out of bed and landed on the floor before sinking half way in it. "Damnit... not again." He struggle to push himself out of the floor. "Just. a. little... more!" he pushed himself out and did a back flip landing on his back. After making painful facial expressions for a minute and having his mouth open as if he was ready to be spoon fed, he finally managed to make a sound, a little screechy but a sound. "OW... okay, I got this..." Gabriel slowly pushes himself up off the ground and stand up before steading myself to keep myself balanced. "HAHA! success!" he twirls for his victory as he begins to sing along with his radio and dances to the bathroom to take his morning shower. "I used to think maybe you love me, now baby I'm sure. And I just can't wait till the day, when you knock on my door." Picks up his clothes and shakes his hips then twirls into the bathroom doorway and sings dramatically, "Im walking on sunshine! whoa oh! I'm walking on sunshine! whoa uh oh! Cause I feel good! alright now! whoa!" twirls and kicks the bathroom door shut.


Sitting at his desk, in his own little world, he gazed out a window, getting lost in his thoughts. The bell rang, startling Soulin and making him jump back into reality. "Already?" Soulin asked himself. He looked at the clock as everyone else stood and swarmed the door, walking out single file. "Wow. That went by quick" he said to himself before picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He took his next steps uneasily. He walked out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway. Being bumped and pushed while apologizing for all the, "Hey, watch it!"'s he came across, he looked up too see what hallway he was in, all his daydreaming made him forget the world around him for awhile. Hallway 3, the sign read at the top of the arch of the hallway. oh it's lunch time, he thought to himself. Things have been going so fast lately, but at times it seems like they last an eternity. I just try to make it through my day now. I don't have any agenda or motivation anymore, except to make it to the next day. my hours pass me by turning into my days, my days turning into my weeks, and my weeks turning into months. Then I think about it i would think that I'm losing my time. Losing my life. Losing my mind. These are the times that make time stop in place. Soulins shakes his head hoping to free his head of his thoughts. He heard someone yelling further down the hallway, "What day is it!" the voice begged for the date. Soulin could barely see past the crowds but he knew he had recognized that voice. Suddenly the hallway was empty. it was like everyone had just disappeared into thin air. Soulin looked forward to see him. the one asking for the date, Soulin gasped his next word, "Gabriel" the sound of his name echoed in Soulins mind. Gabriel, Gabriel, Soulin closed his eyes, remembering.

"Gabriel!" a little boy screamed running towards a small body laying on the ground as it wept. "Gabriel are you okay?" Soulin knelt to Gabriel. He could hear other children laughing and snickering, the whispers among them saying "Freaks" Soulin whispered to Gabriel "Don't worry they can't hurt us anymore, remember? we're super heros!" Gabriel uncoiled himself and tried to stop crying, "S-super He-heros." he managed while rubbing his eyes "Yes Gabriel. Now just turn around and it will be okay I promise" Soulin said calmly while patting his back. "Oh okay Soulee" Gabriel sat criss cross looking the other way. Soulin took one last glance before standing up and facing the other children. His fists balled up with his anger as he gazed at their smugged faces. "Oh look at that he's mad. what are you going to do freak?" one of the girls shouted from the crowd. Soulin took his shoes off and threw them at the crowd, they laughed, "is that all?" Another kid asked. Soulin then unzipped his pants and swiftly took them off along with his underwear. The children grew quiet and screamed. Soulin yelled at them, "I saw this on TV! it's a penis!" He dashed toward them yelling out penis, they all scattered running away screaming, some crying, "Dont touch me with your wee wee! don't touch me!!" a little girl screamed before tripping. Soulin threw his hands in the air still yelling, "Penis! Ppppeeeennniiissssss" he started to laugh a little then starting to scream again, "Im a freak! haha I'm a freak!" he said it with such joy and acceptance. Gabriel still turned around didn't know what was going on but had cheered up and screamed with Soulin, "Im a freak too! wait, Soulee, what's a p-p-enis?" Gabriel asked in confusion. "I don't know! but on TV it scared people too!" Soulin answered back.

Soulin opened his eyes again and almost smiled. He saw Gabriel drop a news paper. "Gabriel!" Soulin finally yelled. Gabriel didn't hear him. Soulin continued to call his name but he still didn't hear. Soulin was finally shoved into the wall, the people appeared again, like it was nothing. Soulin searched for Gabriel but he had disappeared into the crowd. Soulin sighed and continued his way to the cafeteria. He walked into the lunch line, not because he was hungry but because he didn't want to sit anywhere. Soulin looked over to see a guy by himself at a table then crawling under it. "Gabriel?" Soulin started to walk towards him before everyone started to scream. "What's going..." Soulin paused as he saw someone with a gun, he raised it pointing it in Gabriel's direction. Soulin raced towards him muttering and repeating, "No, no no no." a million things raced through his head, "They can't hurt us anymore, we're super heros!" those words echoed and repeated in his head. "S-super he-heros". in that moment Soulin had finally gotten close enough. Gabriel rose from his cower and began to scream, "No!" Soulin leaped In front of Gabriel putting his arms around his shoulders and looking into his eyes. A force pushed Soulin into Gabriel like a little push. Then he heard it, the sharp noise that cut through the air and into his back, the gun had fired. Gabriel caught Soulin as he lost feeling. Tears in Soulins and Gabriel's eyes, "S-Soulee?" Gabriel asked. The thought still remained in Soulins mind,'They can't hurt us!' Soulin breathed his last words, "I.. I'm s-sorry. I.. F-for- give you." blood began to run out of his mouth and down his chin. 'We're super hero's!'

Soulin opened his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks. He sat up and looked around for a moment. He looked down to see his covers and his bed. He sighed and went to the bathroom. Walking in, he began to take his shirt off before closing the door. He turned on the light and examined his torso in the mirror. Tracing his fingers on his chest around his circular scar he jumped a little, it was sore and hurt quite a bit. It did that sometimes. Putting his shirt back on he opened the door and headed out of his room. Glancing at the clock, it read 6:17. "Oh guess I should get ready for the day." Soulins walks down a hallway and half way into the dining room before hearing, "Im walking on sunshine! whoa oh!" coming from Gabriel's room. Soulin had to take a moment and shook his head as he continued to hear Gabriel sing as loud as he could to the music. he walked to the stove and turned it on as he began to prepare breakfast. He started to him in no time. He did a little hop skip to the sink then stopped and thought about what just happened. Soulin sighed and hung his head making his hair fall I front of him. "Fuck it" Soulin flips his hair, "Whoa uh oh! cause I feel good! All right now!"

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