Liqour, Liqour Lips

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As the forth block bell rang, Marceline strutted out the door. On her way, the yellow haired boy from earlier approached her.
"Hey, Vampire freak. What where you doing with Princess Bubblegum... HMMM?"
His high-pitched, lemony voice seemed to hurt her ears.
"Lemongrab, shut your cake hole man."
She pushed him away and started walking away again. He screamed from behind her,
Yet he never seemed to follow her. Marceline continued down the halls with no further interruptions but a few other students bumping into her here and there. As she approached the doors to the gym building, an anxious feeling built up in her chest. Or, was it the sweet, child like feeling of butterflies in her stomach? Either way, Marceline took a moment to reconnect with herself and calm down. As she strutted inside, she peeped through the crowds of people for a certain girl she had a keen eye for. All of a sudden, the world seemed to shatter, as she turned to see Bubblegum waltz into the room. The feeling came back, and so did the heat to her face.
"Hey Marci!!"
She chimed once again, grinning ear to ear.
Marceline took a moment to calm herself down again, before smoothly stating,
"Sup PB?"
Bubblegum grabbed Marceline's hand, the butterflies almost fluttering out of her chest and out her mouth as she did so.
"C'mon lets go find a seat, I have something important to tell you!!"
She started dragging Marceline like dead weight to the bleachers. Bubblegum looked around before sitting down in the corner where the bleachers end.
"Promise not to tell anyone ?"
Marceline nodded, her face pink and hot, not knowing what to expect.
But she did hope for something.
"Alright.... I think Lemongrab is going to make me switch schools next year...."
Marceline's world seemed to shatter as the words bubbled from her soft pink lips.
"M-move schools...?"
The words seemed to flow out like the despair she was feeling deep inside.
"He says I'm not focusing enough on my Princess duties... and that I'm too distracted here..."
Her voice seemed to trail as she explained the situation to Marceline. She listened with great sadness, and when she finished all she felt was just pure emptiness.
"So...this is the last year I get to see you... is that what your saying Bubblegum...?"
"Unless I can convince him.. I'm afraid so..."
Bubblegum tried to read what she was feeling, but Marceline's face was just emotionless. They say there for a moment, in pure silence, neither looking at one another. Until Marceline broke the uncomfortable and motionless sit down by quickly hugging Bubblegum, not letting go for quite awhile.
"M-Marci... are you ok?"
For a moment, she didn't answer, then Marceline finally spoke up.
"Yea I'm fine... now let's stop all this sad shit, let's enjoy you last day here!"
Marceline smiled at Bubblegum, and she gladly gave one in return. She stood up and held her hand out for the pink beauty, who took it and gracefully stood up. The rest of the day, they spent together, laughing and enjoying their final day.
Almost too quickly for Marceline's desire, the final bell rang. Bubblegum was a walker, but unfortunately Marceline was first load, so as soon as the final announcement rang out she had to leave.
"God Marci... I can't believe I won't see you..."
Bubblegum looked almost depressed as she said that, looking into Marceline's eyes.
Bubblegum tightly hugged Marceline, sniffling away tears.
"I-I'm gonna miss you..."
"Hey hey, PB don't cry girl.. I'll swing by sometime!"
She gave a slight smile at the ready-eyed princess. Bubblegum nuzzled into Marceline's breasts, giving her a slight sensation, before she let go.
"You better ... !"
"Bye Bubblegum...I'll see you soon, I promise."
Bubblegum grinned at Marceline, wiping away some tears. As she walked out the doors, she repeated in her head:
'You're going to her house when you get home, do not pussy out!'
The bus ride was not very long, only 17 minutes give or take a traffic jam. After she got off the bus, Marceline threw her stuff on the couch and yelled,
A faint voice responded almost immediately,
"Alright, be safe Marci!"
Marceline quickly walked out the door, her stomach in knots.

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