Aiko's Kawaii Trump Dream

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I heard his voice softly whispering to me, "I Donald J. Trump will run for president, and make America great again."

I opened my eyes to see a world with floating islands covered in kawaii pastels. There were Trump statutes all over the islands. Trump came flying from the clouds and landed on the same pastel platform as I.

He looked into my blue eyes and said, "Aiko, will you make America great again with me?"

"S-senpai do you mean it desuka? I-I love you Trump-kun!!" I said flustered, while he held me in his tanned arms.
He smiled at me and touched my cheek, "Of course, Aiko-chan desu."
He whistled to the sky, and down came a magnificent alicorn.

Donald helped me on, and then hopped on himself. I held onto him as the alicon took off. Rainbows filled the air as angels flew around. Disco lights filled the sky.

He landed the alicorn onto the white house.

We both stood at the front of the house that is white. We both looked into each others eyes. He closed his eyes and began to lean in. And then I woke up.

I rubbed my eyes as I pushed the covers off of me. It was officially the best dream I've ever had in my kawaii Japanese life. "すごいかわいいですね❣**" I said with excitement. "Oh crap I better start getting ready!"

End Of Chapter 2
~Author-chan Square~
すごいかわいいですね - sugoi kawaii desu ne

Till next chapter you weebs

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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