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TWICE had released their 4th comeback title track song 'SIGNAL' on May 15, 2017. Since then TWICE had been busy with their comeback stages at MNET Countdown, KBS Music Bank, SBS Inkigayo, Music Core and more. However, Michaeng moments were rare to be seen since the beginning of them promoting their comeback song and album.

According to DJ 토끼 (Youtube Channel) there are various theories can be concluded to what had happened to Michaeng, 1. Michaeng might have lost interest for each other (I don't think so actually) 2. They are making each other jealous (this..hahahaha 👍🏻) 3. They have been fighting (Mm maybe?) and lastly 4. They didn't talk in front of fans or whenever cameras are rolling to cover up their relationship. But of course what you believe is up to you.

So here's the story behind it...

Momo noticed that Chaeyoung and Mina didn't talk especially after Chaeyoung's birthday.

"What happened to both of you?" Momo asked Chaeyoung.

"Yeah why? I realized it too" Jeongyeon joined their conversation

"Nothing.." Chaeyoung sighed

"Eyy..what's nothing about it? It was all written on your face Chaeyoung-ah" Jeongyeon said

"I really don't know unnie.." Chaeyoung replied

"Who is the problem? you or Mina? both of you were close and clingy but now..what happened?"

"Maybe it's better if we think twice about my relationship with her"

"It hasn't been long you girls went official"

"Exactly. But I'm worried the fans will caught on"

Mina overheard their conversation. 'What? you're worried about fans finding out our relationship? You must be kidding me Chaeyoung-ah' Mina said to herself.

'Can't help but overhearing your conversation with them. Fine. If that's what you want..let's not talk to each other' Mina texted Chaeyoung right away. Chaeyoung heard a notification on her phone, she read the text instantly. 'Shit' Chaeyoung cursed inside her head. She was flustered that Mina heard their conversation.

'Right. This might be the only way' Chaeyoung let out a deep sigh.

Since that day, Mina and Chaeyoung didn't talk to each other nor sitting next to each other. There was a lot of tension between them and both were awkward at times. Nevertheless, Chaeyoung would always stick with Momo no matter where they go. Even fans realized that but don't know what are actually inside their mind.

"Unnie..can you help me?" Chaeyoung asked Momo as she approached Momo who was with Jeongyeon

"What is it?" Momo responded

"Operation making Mina jealous?" Jeongyeon guessed. Chaeyoung nodded.

"What? I'm correct?!" Jeongyeon asked

"Yeay~!" Jeongyeon squealed

"Haha what the hell?" Chaeyoung with her eyebrows furrowed

"Should I trigger her more?" Momo laughed. She was saying that her being close to Chaeyoung would actually make Mina jealous 100%. She felt bad but Momo really did her job well. It was either Momo went to Chaeyoung or Chaeyoung went to Momo. Jeongyeon? she didn't care about Momo being with Chaeyoung because she knew that those two were just plotting something so there was nothing for her to get jealous for. But the thing is Mina became closer to Jeongyeon as a result there were a lot of Jeongmi moments (they even almost kissed!!! kyaaaahhhh)

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