Chapter 3: Let me sleep already dammit

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"Dad, I can explain" Stiles says quickly, putting a hand above Derek as a sign that he isn't dangerous.

"Oh? Please do" Sheriff Stilinski says sternly, crossing his arms as he narrows his eyes.

Stiles gulps visibly and nods slowly, "Right...ah well...I found him with his leg tangled in some wires and it seems like he was ah...not very wild since he didn't attack me and stuff and I helped him out and now he's here. I took him to the vet already and had Scott look over him and I'm just keeping him here until his leg heals" He finishes with a deep breath and peaks up at his father.

"Are you telling me the truth? Stiles?" His father asks calmly, but there was a hint of worry and doubt in his voice. Doubt that made Stiles feel cold all of a sudden.

Stiles let's out a sigh, "And I maybe...want to keep him?" He squeaks out, Derek turns to look at Stiles in surprise, he wasn't expecting that.

"Stiles! You know we can't afford to keep a dog much less a wolf! What are you going to feed him? And I suppose you're going to bring him to school too because I do not trust a wild animal alone in my house" Sheriff Stilinski grumbles.

Stiles nods slowly before grinning and looking up, "Does that mean I can keep him?!"

"Ask me that question again in a week and we'll see" The Sheriff sighs and rubs his eyes, "I've got too much work to do and as long as Scott keeps you out of trouble..." He groans softly.

Stiles beams and Derek feels a strange feeling in his chest, pride? Happiness? He'd rather not find out.

"Thank you!! Dad this is awesome! I'll let you have ONE meal without vegetables, just tell me when" Stiles chuckles, petting Derek's head happily.

The Sheriff looks up seriously, pointing at Stiles, "I'm holding you to that" he says before walking back in.

Derek looks around and inhales deeply, the scent of happiness hovering around Stiles making him feel calmer than he'd like to admit. He steps away from Stiles to peak his head into what he assumes is the kitchen, his stomach giving a pitiful rumble.

"Aww is Derek hungry?" Stiles grins as he walks in beside Derek who just rolls his eyes and huffs.

"You know what? For someone who really hates the really are a sourwolf"

Derek growls and narrows his eyes at Stiles who just laughs and shakes his head, opening the fridge. "I don't have much unfortunately but... huh, how do you feel about spam?" He looks over at Derek who tilts his head, what the hell is spam? He's heard of ham, but spam? Not yet. Maybe it's a short cut for something?

"Huh, you probably don't know or remember what spam is, seeing as you've probably only eaten bunnies and deers" Stiles chuckles, taking out a can and opening it. The smell from the can was... not the best, Derek would admit, but it was better than nothing.

Stiles drops the spam into a plate and cuts it into tiny pieces as he mixed rice with it before setting it down for Derek to eat- which he gladly did. By 8 seconds the plate was licked clean.

"Oh wow..." Stiles pauses, blinking in surprise, "That's...uh, I should definitely find a way to feed you more stuff..."

They make their way to Stiles's...rather messy room and Stiles grins, spreading his arms, "Mi casa e- whatever and all that" Stiles hums, Derek's chest rumbles in amusement.

Sure this kid was loud, and much too hyper for Derek's liking but there was something about him that really caught Derek, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, heck, even the way he rambles off... had really caught Derek's attention, and don't even get me started on his lips, gosh how can this....Stiles, have such perfect lips? It was almost unfair. No, scratch that, it was unfair.

"-rek? Derek?"

Derek blinks from his thoughts to huff at Stiles who was waving his hand inches away from Derek's face.

"Heya Derek, I set down some newspapers and blankets for you to lay in" Stiles says, pointing at the floor, "And if you have to go pee just wake me up or something okay?"

Derek ignores half of what Stiles says and sniffs at the newspapers and blankets, it smelled of Stiles. How nice. He sniffs it a bit more, inhaling Stiles's pleasant scent before rubbing his muzzle against it and lying down, rolling a bit more before finally settling. He looks up at Stiles, almost forgetting he was watching, almost.

"That was cute" Stiles admits, his heart tells Derek that he's telling the truth. Derek growls and huffs, turning away from Stiles, if Derek was a human, he would totally be blushing, or scowling, or both...probably both.

Two Hours. Two freaking hours and Stiles is still awake, tapping away on his computer to try and read more about wolves, dogs, their needs, etc. and Derek was not happy, not only was the typing getting to him, because really, who could sleep with all the tapping noises? But Stiles scent has turned from happiness, to frustration, to sadness and finally, tiredness in the span of two hours. He had to rest and Derek had to sleep too.

Finally, Derek gets up and lets out a tired grumble, Stiles snaps his head towards Derek, his eyes droopy, "Did I keep you up? I'm sorry... I have a couple of assignments and I'm researching..." he trails of as Derek tugs on his pajama leg, giving a small whine. Stiles looks up and realizes that Derek was trying to bring him to bed, to rest.

"Fine, Fine, but if I don't get lower than a 'B' in this paper, I'm blaming you" Stiles grumbles, secretly thankful as he lies down, stretching out and letting out a tired yawn as Derek lies down and closes his eyes, finally being able to get some rest.

"Night Sourwolf"

Derek doesn't even have the energy to growl, he just wants to sleep dammit.


"Ah School, the wonderful place where a bunch of people decided to stick in societies emotionally unstable teens and make them work. How nice" Stiles says with a faux cheery voice, opening Derek's door and clipping his leash on Derek who grumbles at the people who gawk at them.

"Now don't you go around biting people alright? The people here are... creepy, you do not want their germs in your mouth. Trust me" Stiles says seriously as he walks in with Derek. It was unusual for a person to bring their pet to school, but when you have a legal reason... they let you in, and of course, Stiles's dad being the sheriff...could probably pull a few strings.

"Scotty boy!" Stiles beams as he jogs to his friend, clapping him on the back.

"Hey Stiles!" Scott looks down at a Derek who ignores him, "And Derek" He looks back up at Stiles and raises an eyebrow.

"My dad totally bought it, he might even allow me to keep him" Stiles whispers loudly.

"That's great" Scott says, huffing, "And what if he suddenly bites someone?"

"Oh please, if he bites someone it's probably the person's fault, no dog bites people randomly, there's always a reason, Scott, and you know it"

"I know, I know, but... Derek isn't a dog, remember? He's a wolf" Scott points out, Stiles's reply is ignored by him as he stares at the entrance of the school where a certain blond, curly haired, blue puppy-eyed boy is walking through.

As usual Isaac wore his long sleeves and a scarf, this time the scarf was a light grey and his hoodie was gray with dark blue sleeves. Isaac was around 6'3 (In height, get your head out of the gutter) but the way he carried himself... it seemed like he wanted to shrink, everytime someone would glance at him he would lower his head just a bit more.

"Isaac!" Scott blurts out as Isaac nears them, cutting off whatever Stiles was saying.

"I- uhm..." Isaac stutters as he stops, glancing up at Scott before looking back down, "Yes?" He asks softly.

"Do you..uhm, maybe want to eat with me- us, I mean, do you want to eat with us? At...lunch?" Scott says, a hopeful smile on his face. Stiles gapes at Scott , blinking twice in disbelief. 

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