Chapter 5: Alphas and Baths

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"He's cool, isn't he?" Scott asks as they ride away from school, Stiles rolls his eyes, of course Scott would talk about Isaac at a time like this.

"Look, I mean.... He's cute and all that but, he's also awkward, you know? I don't feel right about him, Scott," Stiles turns to look at Scott's crestfallen face and quickly adds, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? Just... maybe if we hang around him more he'll seem....less weird to me?"

Scott's face brightens up, "That means you're letting him hang around us more?"

Stiles groans and shakes his head, looking at a sleeping Derek at the backseat before turning to look at the road again, "Okay, fine, he can hand around us more. But you're helping me with Derek"

Stiles ignores Scott's excited nodding.

It's silent between them before Scott opens his mouth, "So you think Isaac is cute, huh?"

Stiles steps on the breaks violently, "Jeez! Scott, Derek is hungry and was about to kill Coach's pet bird, since when did he have a bird anyway? Whatever, This isn't the time to talk about lover boy, okay? Let's go take Derek to the forest to eat and then you can talk about your mega crush on puppy boy"

Scott huffs and Stiles smirks at his red face. They stop at the edge of the forest.


Never take your wolf out to hunt, Stiles would not recommend it. He still couldn't get the shrieks of the squirrels and some birds out of his head, it was like a broken record, just replaying and replaying.

"Dude.... That was..." Scott began slowly, eyes wide in both fear and awe.

"AWESOME!" Stiles yells, shooting his fist up in the air, Derek gives him a small growl, the noise surely scaring his prey away.

"I mean, I guess....kind of? It was kind of scary" Scott admits, "But Derek is all covered in blood now..."

"Really? I didn't notice" Stiles says playfully, "Looks like we're gonna have to give him a bath!" He beams excitingly, "My first time bathing a wolf!"

"Dude he's gonna chomp your arm off, a lot of dogs hate their first bath..." Scott whispers, Stiles just shrugs and looks down at Derek who is now walking to them.

"Derek won't bite me, would you?" Stiles grins and pets Derek's head, Derek just lets out a soft murr and turns to walk back to the jeep.

"See? Derek is a good wolf"

"Stiles, Your Wolf is creepy. It's like he can understand us"

"He probably can"

"And...that does not creep you out or scare you even a tiny bit?" Scott asks, quirking an eyebrow as they enter the jeep, Stiles has to open the door to let Derek jump in before he turns the jeep on.

"No, not really, I believe in the supernatural, remember?" Stiles hums, starting to drive.

"I thought that was a joke!!"

"Scotty, when do I ever joke?"


Stiles huffs and shakes his head, "Fair enough" he looks at a gaping Scott, "But I do believe in the supernatural, really" Stiles mumbles.

Derek sniffs at the air, a deep growl growing from his chest, Scott turns to him with wide eyes, "Uh, Stiles, Stiles your wolf is angry, oh crap he's very angry"

"Don't be stupid, that's his normal expression"

"No. Stiles, Stiles pull over!" Scott shouts, surprising Stiles enough to do as he says. Once he stops he turns to Scott, about to snap at him before Derek lets out a loud snarl and pacing.

"Derek, what the heck?!" Stiles grumbles before two police cars zoom past them.

There's a long pause.

"Oh my gosh!" Scott yelps as Stiles suddenly turns the jeep around to follow the police cars, ignoring Scott's yell's of 'DON'T!' and 'STILES STOP' before they turn up to a house, policemen already walking out with 2 people, a man and a woman.

Stiles hurries out and Derek and Scott follow, Scott being a lot more nervous.

"Dad, what happened?" Stiles asks, quickly walking to his father's side.

"There was a- Stiles? What are you-?" His father frowns, looking around.

"We saw the cars and followed, dad, what happened?" He asks again.

Sheriff Stilinski sighs and shakes his head, "There was an attempted murder but the couple says the guy got away, ran into the forest, although... they say there were 3 other people too" He huffs, nodding over to the bloody couple. The man's head and arm was bleeding while the woman's side and hand were bleeding as well.

Derek growls as he sniffs the air, the scent was here. The other Wolf Shifter, but he clearly wasn't alone, there were 3 other scents, all of them wolf shifters...except one, one of them was a Lion Shifter. That wasn't the only bad news. They were all Alphas.

An Alpha pack wasn't unheard of, a lot of packs actually liked having a lot of Alpha's in a pack, it mean their back was strong. Shifters can be born alphas, have the rank of alpha passed unto them... or take it from another alpha by killing them. Born alphas are usually the most dangerous kinds because they were born and trained with that power, but those that took the alpha rank by killing one, was just as dangerous, to be able to kill an Alpha is....very hard. Derek was an Alpha, but he had the rank pass on to him when his family died and he and his uncles are the only ones alive, Peter was a born Alpha so he didn't need the alpha rank. However, they do say that when you kill an alpha while already an alpha, you become much, much stronger.

Again, An Alpha pack wasn't unheard of, in a big pack there are usually 4-6 Alpha's and a dozen betas. But a pack that consisted of only alphas? Now that was rare, Derek only knew about, four pure alpha packs in the world. The Deucalion Pack being the most famous one, but he knew what that pack smelled like, he's met them at a pack gathering before along with the other three packs.

This scent did not come from the four pure alpha packs Derek knows of, this scent was new, new and dangerous.

There was something else in the scent, something...vaguely familiar and immediately Derek knew where he had smelled this before, at Stiles and Scott's school , the scent was strongest when Isaac leaned in.


A voice cuts Derek away from his thoughts and he turned instinctively, teeth bared.

Stiles puts his arms up in the air, "Dad told us to go home, I don't usually listen except kinda still covered in blood, and that's not a pretty thing to see when a couple was almost killed by a guy who had a pet wolf"

Derek blinks, pet wolf my ass.

"I know, I don't think it was a pet wolf either" Stiles whispers, "But we have to get home now, okay? The faster we get home the more research I can do" he pauses, as if thinking, "and the faster you get a bath"


Stiles was surprised, Derek was actually pretty good at the bath. He seems to like the water and especially when Stiles would rub the soap on his fur and skin.

"Good boy" Stiles hums, Derek grumbles at that but doesn't do anything else.

Derek liked the water, even as a kid. He loved pool parties, swimming in the lake, and even when it rained he would go out just to get soaked. Derek loved the water.... But not the soap Stiles Stilinski was putting on him. It smelled horrible, like powder and flower petals and Derek was just not about that life.

It took a bit of growling and nudging that Stiles finally got the hint and stopped using the dog soap and instead his own shampoo, with cooling of course. 

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