2 - Discovery

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Okay, so this is my first time writing for Wendy! Wahoo! Hope I can make her sound like herself...

Wendy POV

   For a Sunday, the streets of Gravity Falls are relatively quiet. I know that my friends are out and about, and I could join them, but for now, I like the peace and quiet. I left the house in a huff earlier because my dad and my brothers were having a manliness competition, which is about as pointless as doing calculus for fun, plus Ronan was egging them on. So I decided to go for a long bike ride, and I'm happy I did. Those contests usually escalate to who can yell the loudest, and they would probably make me join in . No thank you. The forest offers some comfort and sanity to my noisy house. Plus, I have to clean up after everyone, which is saying something, given how big and clumsy my father is...

   I dismount from my bike, and flop onto the grass for a while. My thoughts wander, and, as they are wont to do on quiet days, they settle on Mom, probably watching me from way up there. I've never met her, but Dad's told me a lot about her in his quieter moments. They tell me that you can't miss what you've never had, but I wish I had a mother, be a bit more like the other kids who actually have a mom. I still miss her. I've gone through so much, and I feel kind of angry that she wasn't there with me to help me through. But death is inevitable, and I prefer not to dwell on the past. I haul myself into a sitting position, and hop onto my bike again. I take a nice forest trail, listening to the birds singing and the woodpeckers relentlessly tapping on the trees. I nearly miss it, but I hear a whine and a scuffle somewhere off to my left, where I know there's another clearing. I ditch my bike on the side of the trail, and, on second thought, remove my helmet as well. If it's a wild animal, I don't want to scare it off by appearing big. I step quietly through the underbrush, putting my weight on my toes like Dad taught me, then peer into the clearing. There's nothing.

   Suddenly, a loud scream sounds to my right. I practically jump three feet at the raw, primal yell. It reminds me of how a deer screams when it's spooked, angry or scared. A little boy with deer ears is sitting beside a little scaly girl, and I wonder where they came from. He looks at me quietly for a second, before gibbering something in his own language and running off. I notice that his body, from the waist down, is that of a deer. A centaur. I remember that several years back, a child with wings was found in the forest near here, but the incident was quickly hushed up. After all, spirit animals are common here, and I've seen the rift. It's a terrifying thing. I look back to the boy and the girl. I can't leave them here to fend for themselves, and besides, we never did find out what happened to that winged child... Whatever happened, I don't want it to happen to them. They need a home, someone to look after them, and teach them human ways. I don't think Dad would approve, so I decide to keep them, keep them a secret.

    I kneel down to pick up the girl, but as soon as I touch her, the boy rushes at me, interchanging screaming and gibbering, trying to punch me. I block his blows easily, and when he calms down enough, I kneel down to his eye level and hold out my hand for him to sniff. He cautiously approaches me, tilting his head this way and that, then appears to decide I'm not dangerous. He still watches me with a razor-sharp focus as I pick up his sister.

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