11 - Questions

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Wendy POV, two months later (the twins have the mental and physical age of six-year-olds)

I measure Dipper on the doorframe in the kitchen, marking his height and age on the wood. I tell him to stay still, then let him go. Instead of immediately running off to play, he patiently waits until I've measured Mabel as well.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Do you have something you want to tell me?"

He plays with the hem of his flannel shirt, then looks at me with those big brown eyes of his. I sense that something's wrong, and offer a hug. He takes up the offer, snuggling into me gratefully. He wraps his tiny arms around my waist, then mumbles something I can barely hear. I ask him to repeat himself, and he looks at me again solemnly.

"Why don't I look like you?"

I'm confused, to be honest.

"What do you mean, buddy?"

"Why don't I look like you? I mean, you tell me we're family, but I don't have red hair.. or green eyes... so what am I?"

He catches me completely by surprise. I didn't think he had realized how different he was from the rest of us when I had done so much to make him feel like he belonged.

"Oh, baby... remember what I told you? It's not who you're related to that matters... it's who loves you. We're your family because we love you, Dipper. Never forget that, okay? It doesn't matter where you come from or what you are, because we'll always love you."

Dipper sniffles, then nods.

"Okay. I won't forget."

I squeeze him harder, then hold him at arm's length.

"Don't you worry about that anymore. Now go play."

He gives me a little kiss on the cheek, and runs off. I straighten myself up and watch him disappear round the corner. Ronan looks up from his reading and joins me.

"Identity crisis? I guess he was wondering where he came from, like every other adopted kid."

I nod.

"We'll have to tell them at some point. When they're older."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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