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For survival - that was what they had both agreed on as the boat made its way across the sea to return the passengers to their homeland.

Claire shifted anxiously against the railing at the edge of the deck outside, letting the sunlight reflect on her sweaty, dirt clad skin; the reminders of the previous night's events were still painted on her as thick as ever. She had gone from running the world's most famous amusement park to what would be the paparazzi's focus by the time they made landfall. Even with a boat-full of people that they had saved, she would never find a career that would take her seriously again. Slowly, she pushed away the torturous daydreams of the ghostly white dinosaur that now haunted her and took a deep breath. You saved these people, she silently reminded herself.

"Looks like your nephews are doing okay," a voice interrupted her.

Claire forced a smile as she gave speechless agreement to the man standing next to her. Owen had walked out of the busy main hull with her after her sister had found the red head and the boys. Though he hadn't been there to hear the conversation, the hug the two shared was enough to let him know Claire was forgiven.

The woman straightened herself out and stood tall again, putting her guard back up. She glanced at Owen, who was leaning over the rail; his green eyes were focused on her, his lips curved in a smirk as he watched her desperately try to straighten her hair and pull herself together for the first time since the evacuation.

"Who're you trying to impress?" he goaded.

"Despite what happened, I am still the face of Jurassic World, Mr. Grady," she snapped. Then, she blushed and dropped her eyes to the floor. "Sorry..."

Owen's smirk widened into a full-fledged smile as he watched her struggle. He stood up and stepped closer to the woman he had spent the last day with, towering over her.

"You look fine," he promised. His hands rested on her shoulders.

Claire tried to think of anything else to keep her from dreading the media interviews coming up. Thankfully, she didn't have to think hard. Owen pulled her into a tight hug, letting her rest her head against his chest. She breathed in, wanting to drown in their embrace and hide from the real world for as long as they could.

"How about you make another round while I grab us some water?" she heard Owen huff into her hair.

She pulled away from his arms, cocking an eyebrow at him. "That's  hardly an ideal first date."

He grinned again. "I'll remember to leave the tequila at home this time."

Claire nodded, accepting his offer, but her small smile faded as soon as he turned to head back inside.

"Owen?" she called.


She focused on the floor with tired eyes. "What do you think will happen to them?"

"To who?" he asked, rare concern plastered on his face.

"The dinosaurs. The one's left on the island. Blue, the T-Rex...we can't just leave them there, or-"

Before she could finish releasing her thoughts, she heard a click and static from the walkie talkie still attached to her hip. While she was fidgeting around in her torn apart clothing to find where it attached to her, faint words echoed through to them from a familiar voice.

"Remind me to retire this shirt," it spoke.

Claire grasped the receiver urgently and held down her button to speak.

"Lowery?! Lowery is that you?"

"It's me," the voice confirmed.

Her shoulders fell back in relief. "Are you on the boat?"

"Well, funny story..." he began. "The power's been out until now. Got the generator running, but I didn't realize you guys were taking off in the last helicopter. Any chance you can swing back around? Maybe sometime, you know...soon?  Like before I get eaten?"

"Helicopter?" Claire heard Owen mutter, repeating what Lowery had just told them.

"N-no," Claire stuttered back. "What helicopter? We're on the boat. Didn't you board with the last of us?"

They waited for his explanation in silence. Claire looked towards Owen for help; her mind was still racing from the ups and downs of everything that had happened. She could've sworn Lowery was accounted for before they left.

"Lowery, can you hear me?" Claire asked again, becoming more panicked from his lack of response.

Finally, static came through, followed by some split up words. The connection was weakening the further in the opposite direction they went.

"Didn't know they took you on another shuttle out. I'm still...Nublar...another round of storms is coming...overnight..."

"Lowery, you're breaking up; we can't hear you!" Claire shouted. Her hands gripped the piece of machinery tightly, her knuckles turning white, as she waited to hear back from her employee.

After several long seconds, the connection came back in long enough for him to explain to her what he was looking at.

"You sure you guys aren't on that chopper?" he asked nervously.

"Pretty sure," Owen tossed in with heavy sarcasm. His eyes scanned the skies above the ocean around them for any sign of movement.

"Well someone is," Lowery spoke again. "And their signal is coming from...about 70 miles out..."

Claire's heart wildly searched for an answer as she took in what he was saying, but she couldn't speak.

"Any chance it's headed west?" Owen interrupted.

Claire watched him, mouth agape as she realized what he was suggesting. "We have to go back," she whispered quite a few times out loud before convincing herself it was the right decision. "We're coming back. Once this ship gets us to land I'll have them fly us back out. Don't change locations!"

"And go outside with that crazy raptor you want to call a friend?" the man thought over. "No, thanks."

"Watch who you're callin' crazy!" Owen demanded, ready to rip the walkie talkie from Claire's hands after he insulted Blue.

"Don't go anywhere!" Claire repeated one more time. "And keep an eye on that chopper."

Lowery agreed, though he had several more questions that he would have to wait to get an answer to; they would be returning soon enough.

Carefully, Claire eased her back against the ship's walls and sunk down to the ground, placing her head between her knees. It's not over, her thoughts screamed. You have to go back.

Between Worlds: Hunted - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now