Part 4 - Danger

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"Now that we're done, can we please go and chill in the ocean for a moment? My feet are absolutely burning up," Ian hopped around on one leg jumping around like a hot potato, alternating his feet in an attempt to evade the scorching sand beneath them. It was a typical blazing hot summer's day in July, the sky painted a cerulean blue without a cloud in sight, and they had just finished filming a whole Smosh crew sketch on the beach, an once-in-a-year opportunity after filming the Wild West Summer Games. The dynamic of the group had noticeably shifted since Anthony's departure, and even though it had already been a couple of months, their videos was still adapting to his absence. 

"Yeah, sure, why not....?", Joe's voice trailed as Ian raced across the sand, his feet flinging clouds of sand behind him as he dashed towards the azure ocean, his arms open in a wide embrace as he waded into the ocean, the cool water washing over his sunburnt chest.

"It's so...cold...and nice...," Ian sighed contentedly as he lay back floating on top of the water, using his hands to paddle small circles in the water. "I could just stay here all day..." He glanced up at the bright sun before immediately turning away, covering his eyes. "Maybe not..."

Soon, the rest of the Smosh crew had joined him in the shallows of the water, splashing water at each other, and laughing just like one big family. At one point, David snuck up behind Ian underwater, and just like a pizza ninja persona, snatched his leg in an attempt to drag his underwater, resulting in a childish tussle that sent the rest of the crew into peals of laughter. 


"I'm going to try swim out further, okay guys?" Ian called out as he methodically ploughed against the coast. "I'm tired of repeatedly dragging my feet against the rocks; it hurts! It's so incredibly shallow!"

David sighed, "You're shorter than me! How on earth...never mind. Just be careful out there, okay?"

Ian sighed, "Fine, Dad. Whatever," as he rolled his eyes and turned away. The sea seemed so calm, the waves barely breaking the shouldn't be too bad right? He kept swimming until the rest of the crew just seemed like dolls on the shore, before just paddling around in circles, basking in the cool water, a welcome distraction from the dusty set that they had spent the last week or so at. 

Suddenly, a strong undertow materialised, strong waves crashing over him, pulling him under the water. He frantically parted water in an attempt to escape its grasp, but his paddling was simply too weak. Ian flailed and thrashed in a frantic attempt as the waves gripped onto him hard and fast, threatening to drag him under at any moment. Any attempt to call for help was immediately silenced by a renewed flood of water, causing him to violently choke and spit out. Struggling to move against the destructive wall of force, his movements became weaker, less protestant, his body slowly dipping below the surface. Jostled and shoved around by the increasingly powerful currents, he began to inch even further away from the shore, until he was a faint figure in the horizon.


"Hey guys?", David tapped Joshua on the shoulder. "Is that Ian? Why is there so much splashing around him. "...Hello?"

Joshua paused for a moment, as if in shock, before urgently replying, "Dude, I think he's in trouble! We need to go help him!"

"Got it! Where...?", David wandered across the beach to find a lifeguard chair with a makeshift sign saying, "Gone for coffee break. Be back in half an hour." He stomped his food repeatedly into the sand in frustration; how could these people be so inconsiderate? He snatched the preserver ring and the rope from the side of the chair, the latter of which he tossed towards the approaching panting Joshua. 

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