Part 8 - Regret

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David woke up groggily as the sun glared into his eyes, loud pounding ringing throughout his head as an aftermath of last night's drinking, and his vision was completely blurred at the edges, only able to make out vague shapes and colours. He rubbed his eyes open as he fought to try and recall what happened last night, with everything chopped up and broken...they went to the shots...and then some more...and...went back to his room? He felt the rough, dusty carpeting against his bare skin as he lay upon it. 

Bare skin? Why...and that was when it hit him: he was completely buck naked and sprawled across the floor. He glanced up, and saw Ian, just as nude as he was, sprawled across the bed. Alarmed, David frantically began scouring for his clothes, which had flung across the room and onto the floor, even at one point prying his boxers from the bundle of clothes that Ian was grasping on to, and hurriedly began wriggling back into them. 

"Oh...that's way too loud, dear...can you change quietly," Ian's whining turned in shock and surprise as soon as he realised where he was. "What the heck? What on earth..." Ian swivelled his head around the room in fear as he pulled the sheets over his body, the look of embarrassment and shame on David's face as he tugged up the zipper on his jeans the same as his own. "I don' memory of last night is so foggy...I can't...we should not have had that many drinks." Ian shuffled around nervously on the bed. "Urm...could you please go to the bathroom please? I...really don't want you to see, y'know, any more I mean..."

"Oh yeah, totally. I'm just..." David tried to force the words out of his mouth, but nothing came out: instead, he withdrew into the bathroom and locked the door. He slipped his T-shirt over his head and stared at his weary, hungover his face in the mirror, a dark shade gathering under his eyes. Evidently he didn't get much sleep last night. He splashed cold water across his face, and flashes of events started to appear before him. The drinks...the kiss...the bed. His mouth opened in a small 'o' in the realisation of what he had just done: that which was so abhorrent, so vile, and just so...wrong. Ian was his former boss and his current colleague's wife; this couldn't possibly be happening. It must have all been a hallucination. 

"I'm done", Ian called out from outside. David tentatively eased the door open, slightly afraid of facing him. "Wow," Ian walked over, shaking his head, "I have not gotten black-out drunk in forever. We really should have stopped after that second round of shots." Suddenly, he almost tripped over the flat carpet, and snatched out to the bathroom door to hold himself upright. "Geez...I can barely walk straight. Man...we really hit ourselves up last night." He chuckled, "Man, Pam must be so worried; I don't recall myself calling her at all." 

David stared at him unmovingly. Ian waved his hand in front of his friend's face, "Hello? Yoohoo? You must be really out of it." 

"Ian, I think we...did it with each other last night, to put it bluntly." David suddenly blurted out. "I think when we got drunk, we became really uninhibited, and that had just been on our minds, and...I keep having brief flashes, on the bed, together, and..." 

"Stop, stop, stop." Ian held up his hands. "No way, there's no way something like that...," his expression morphed as a look of revelation appeared on his face." He cupped his hands around his mouth, trying to keep his next thoughts from coming out. After a long pause, he relented, "I'm...starting to remember now. I remember us both coming into this room, and going on the bed...", he clutched his head as if he could prevent the images of last night from flooding back to him. "No no no no no, this cannot be happening. I just got married for god's sakes, I can't have already..." Ian paced around the floor, muttering to himself. "This is not right, this can't be..." 

David took in a deep breath, and resignedly said, "Neither can I. I mean, how on earth did that happen? We agreed to put it behind us and...". His tone suddenly turned darker, more menacing. "It was you. You brought both of us down to that bar, got me completely hammered, and then did..this to me! Coward, taking advantage of someone who is drunk to fulfil your twisted fantasies, you sick man." David advanced towards Ian, glaring him down. 

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