I'm in love with my bestfriends boyfriend

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Me and Sophie have been Friends for ages. Literally. I love her Soo much. She knows all my secrets and I know all hers;).

I can't tell you any aha.

Anyway. It was Monday morning and I jumped in the shower. I hate Mondays. I applied makeup and straightened my hair. I wore a cute little tank top and shorts.

I drive to school every morning and most of the time pick up Sophie halfway.

Oh did we have a good old gossip along the way;).

"There's ment to be a new boy coming in today" she said excitedly.

"I know. I hope he's fit(;" I replied jokingly.


We arrived at school and was late due to traffic. Another detention I guess.

I went Into class.

I quickly sat down opened my book and looked around.

10 minutes later someone barged in.

"Ite sir. I'm new 'ere."

I fell in love as soon as.

His hair was ruffled and he wore a black leather jacket. I just wanna squeeze him so hard omg.

"Hello mr.tomlinson." My teacher replied.

"Sir it's ok. Call me louis;)"

LOUIS I thought. What a cute name for a cute boy.

Me and soph looked at each other. She winked at me.

'Louis' was looking for a chair. There was a chair next to me!!! and Sophie...

Of course like any boy would. He sat next to Sophie. They spoke for ages! I was trying to lip read but it's useless.

He's in every one of my lessons. And Sophie's.

By last period they sat next to

Eachother... HOLDING HANDS.

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