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Melody's POV:
I woke up to my phone constantly ringing, vibrating, and the light flashing in my eyes.

I groaned while rubbing my eyes for the 100th time this morning. I picked up my phone saw that my notifications were blowing up, and still is, from a group chat I was added on instagram. "I should check this out, then I'll mute the chat so I can get some sleep," I thought.

I opened up instagram and went in my direct messages and opened up the new group chat I was in.

@gusdestjeor: gates i think you added someone in here by mistake

@gatordestjeor: this is why you never trust a 10 year old to make the chats

@kylalaufer: its ok gator it was an accident

@sophylulaufer: gator don't be to hard on yourself like ky said it was an accident

@gildestjeor: don't be to hard on yourself gates

@sierrahraynah: it's ok it was an accident-R💜+S💗

@gordydestjeor: it's ok gator

@trinlittleton: its ok gator its no problem we'll be fine it was a just a little accident but we'll be fine ok

@gusdestjeor: its ok baby bro

@gatordestjeor: thanks guys you're the best❤

@trinlittleton: no problem gator😘

@kylalaufer: we'll always be here for you gator❤💋

@sophylulaufer: awww thanks gator❤😘

@sierrahraynah: we love you gator💗💜

@gusdestjeor: love you bro

@gildestjeor: thanks bro

@gordydestjeor: it wasn't a problem gates

@melody_moonwalker: awww that was imma get some sleep its to early for this😴✌😪💤
So Sleeeeeeepy💨

@kylalaufer: wait what's your name @melody_moonwalker

@melody_moonwalker: its melody

@kylalaufer: nice to meet you melody I'm kyla

@melody_moonwalker: nice to meet you now...why am I here?

@gatordestjeor: um you were added by me in this chat by accident

@melody_moonwalker: oh I see its ok I was just wondering because my phone kept on ringing and the flash kept going off in my eyes...anyways I better get my sleep I have dance in 10 hours and who knows how many minutes. I dont feel like doing the math and I need my energy

@sophylulaufer: you dance melody?

@melody_moonwalker: yup was born and raised listening to music, playing instruments, singing, dancing, being in musicals, the whole Shazam

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