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   +Firkle's Pov.+

          "Then, after they got to the deserted island, some weird tentacle creature just burst out of the water and tears one of the guys limb from limb, even tears his head off too!"

          "Woah..." I awed, just imagining the beautiful scene. Ike looks at me and giggled at my dazed look. I blush and hide my face. Thank god I have so much white concealer on....

          "Yeah, it was awesome. But the best part had to be..." and he started on with another part, flailing his hands around for....effect? Whatever.

          I really like it when he does this. I don't talk much. Hell, I hate talking at all unless it's scoffing at these stupid pop-star wannabes at my school. So when Ike is the only one who talks, it makes things much easier. He knows how not to make it awkward too, so win-win, right?

          Wait...no, no it's not a win-win, what am I doing? Why am I still talking to him? Why am I still walking with him?! How did we even get to this?! I don't even remember the starting of this conversation!

          I need to tell him off, get rid of him, anything! I can't have a conformist like him next to me, it'll completely RUIN my goth reputation. I don't ever let any conformist hang out with me, let alone talk to me, so what should he?

"-And they had to pierce the creature's eye with the spear they made. And then it exploded, which made a bunch of green goo, or something, splatter around and stuff." He finished, finally laying his arms at his side. He turned to me and lightly smiled. "So? Does it sound like a good movie?"

          I choked on my own air, not expecting him to actually talk directly to me. I don't think I even remembered what we were talking about....

"Ye-Yeah...." I quietly answered, praying to Satan that I said the right thing. He laughed again and bumbed me with his elbow.

          "I figured you'd like it, I can let you borrow it if you want," he said, still smiling at me. I shoved my hands deeper in my pockets and kept staring at the ground. I could feel my face get warm and I almost instantly panicked.

          "Th-Tha-at sounds g-g-great." I mentally cursed myself for acting like a fool.

          What the fuck is wrong with me?! I need to get out of here....

"I-I have to go...." I mumbled, beginning to speed walk away from the tall raven. I got a good amount of feet away before he shouted,

"Firkle Wait!!"

I stopped and shakily turned around, slightly looking up, past my long bangs. He took a few big jump-steps to get to me, although it mustn't have been hard. He is really tall....

"I was gonna..." he said, trailing off his words as he reached his arm back in his backpack, attempting to pull something out. "I was gonna give you...." He gave up reaching and took his backpack off, sifting through it.

I looked inside it. It had all his school notebooks and folders. Nothing was out of place, no loose papers or stray trash. No textbooks, presumably because he had no homework, like always. He was smarter than average, a genius I've heard.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a piece of paper sticking out. It wasn't anywhere it should be, so against his clean bag it was strange. Right after seeing it, he grabbed it and held it out to me.

"Hey Ike! Hurry the fuck up, we need to get home!"

I flinched at the sudden voice behind me. I glanced back just to see his older brother in there silver convert. I wondered how he could afford that, so I guessed his dad won a big case or something. Kyle also wore a pissed expression as he just looked forward.

"Awe man..." Ike sighed, noticing his brother's pissy mood as well. He quickly took a pen from his back pocket and scribbled something on the paper.

I can't read up-side-down, so I only felt confused as I tried to read the writing as he wrote.

His natural handwriting is very neat, and he writes flawless cursive. So even as he scribbled, it looked perfect. He finished and lightly shoved it in my arms. I yanked my hands out of my pocket and grabbed hold of it, flipping it around as Ike dashed off. I read the note.

"Call me! (XXX)-XXX-XXXX"

My breath hitched and I felt my face get redder then ever. I turned around and looked at him, he jumped in his car and through his bag in the back seat. He looked at me, smiled and waved.

"Bye Firkle!" He hollered to me before his brother angrily changed gears and stepped on the gas.

"Bye!" I yelled back, surprised to hear my voice, especially that loud. I saw him giggle as they sped away.

          I did a double take and looked at the note again. The heart he drew through me off and I felt my own heart beat twice as fast as normal.

          Am I dreaming?

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