♥ K2 ♥

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Sorry for the wait Biiiiiiitch....

Requested by Jackaboy67

A lot of people tend to make more than what is necessary of a deal out of this particular day. A birthday.

Big fucking deal. For me, it's nothing more than a day of laying around my house, listening to my parents screaming at each other from the kitchen or their bedroom.

Another day where I battle with the decision between going outside and risking getting crushed or burned to death or just wasting my time lying in my bed.

Most years, I opt for the bed.

I've never been one for going out and doing things like partying it up for days like this. Too poor. And I don't really mind the quietness of home.

I cringe as I hear a glass breaking in the other room.

Okay, so it's not quiet. But it's home. It's comfortable.

"You fucking asshole!" I can hear Mom screaming.

I let out a sigh and shake my head, mouthing along with my father word for word in his typical response, "What'd you call me, you bitch?"

I roll my eyes. Fucking parents. They're too drunk to remember what day it is at all.

My mom used to try to give a little extra to me on this day. Sneaking me another Pop-tart or one year even getting enough money to make me a cake. That was the best fucking year of my life.

Well...I guess all my birthdays have been pretty good prior to this one. Usually even if my family is ignoring me, my friends always come and at least visit me.

Stan, Kyle, and even Cartman usually pop in and throw a present or two my way, beg me to hang out, then walk away dejectedly when I refuse.

Yeah, I still like hangin' out with the guys, but I kinda just like taking the day for myself. Usually.

Last year, the year I turned seventeen, it was a mess. No one could see me. Kyle was off at some college fair in Denver, Stan was playing some sport of some kind.

I don't even know what fucking sports he plays anymore. It's hard to keep track. Cartman won't come over on his own and on his own will so it's no shock that I didn't see him. But it hurt.

Kyle and Stan both texted me wishing me a happy day, but it still stung that I couldn't see them. Given I would have told them no when they asked to hang out it still would have been nice to see them to tell them so at least.

I got texts from two of them this morning, each of them in their own way greeting me with a happy birthday.

Stan sent 'Hey, Dude. Kinda hungover but I still remembered your big day! Big 1-8, we're all so proud. Talk to ya later and happy birthday!' I smirk.

Good thing for autocorrect on that idiot's phone or it would've been just a slew of headache-infused misspellings from the guy.

Cartman so lovingly texted 'Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Your house is a piece of crap and hey look you're one, too!" The ever-loving adoration I receive from that man is enough for me to shed some tears, I swear.

Kyle, however, has not graced me with his over-smiled typical text message. Which is weird considering he's always the first one of us four up and moving and always on top of things. The last few years that we've had phones, my birthday text has always been between 7 and 7:30 in the morning.

I glance at the clock on my wall and pout slightly. It's 8 at night. He's missed his cue by a long shot. It kind of hurts. Scratch that, it really fucking hurts. Kyle and I got super close the last two years with Stan running around to tournaments and shit all the time.

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