Bestfriends Ep. 3 Family

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Demi's pov

"I love the beach" I smiled as we pulled up too the beach.

Joe: "me too" joe smiled at me. I looked away fast because I didn't wanna get butterflies but I did. I sighed looking out the window as we pulled up. I really wanna get over him.. But at the party he was complimenting me more than usual... No screw that he was saying it as my bestfriend and that's all he'll ever be too me. When joe parked the car me and Selena ran out and found a good place to set up. "We need wood to start a fire" I implied

Justin: "I got a lot of Wood" he smirked jokingly and I rolled my eyes and laughed a little

Joe: "How about I go get some wood. The store is about 5 smiles" he suggested

Justin: "bro I'll go with you"

Joe: "what about the girls? I don't wanna leave them here alone with just Nick and Miley's drunk" he said in a concerning way. It was cute

Nick: "it's okay man. I'll make sure nothing happens and I have baseball bat in my car man and plus were the only ones here" he chuckled

Joe: "I'm just saying" he chuckled too

Demi: "Joe, go me and Sel are good we can watch Miley with Nick" I assured him.

Joe: "alright" he smiled at me again. I smiled back, I couldn't help it. Joe and Justin left and it was just me, Miley, Sel, and Nick But Miley was sleeping in between Nick's legs. It was cute. We were sitting on a blanket I had left in Joe's car that I brought out from other times we've spent together. It was like 2 am and still warm but a little windy. It was nice how spontaneous we were just randomly coming to the beach. We also did things like this, I loved it.

Selena: "I'm taking these off" she said relieved as she was taking off her heels. It was a great idea my God. "'Me too, girl" I agreed taking off mine and Nick chuckled.

Nick: "this Summer is gonna be badass" he chuckled

Selena: "I know" she smiled agreeing.

Demi: "I just wanna spend my summer with you guys, honestly" I confess

Nick: "Me too. We always have crazy fun times" he smiled

Demi: "I know" I smiled too.

Joe's pov

Joe: "dude can I tell you something?" I asked

Justin: "anything man, you're my boy" he replied

Joe: "I think I'm starting too see Demi in a different way now" I said in a serious tone keeping my eyes on the road and justin chuckled

Justin: "I've always known you did you just didn't. Are you gonna tell her?"

Joe: "I don't know how and plus what if it's awkward because we're bestfriends?"

Justin: "you don't know how to tell a girl how you feel? What the hell dude you're the biggest player I know" he chuckled again

Joe: "but I don't want to play Demi. She's different. I wouldn't do that too her" I said realizing the words coming out my mouth were true.

Justin: "she's a game changer huh?"

Joe: "yeah" I Smiled.

Justin: "that's what Selena did too me" he smiled to himself "but dude you know how you are. you break hearts And you can't stay committed. Are you sure you wanna be with her? 100% because honestly bro she's one Of my bestfriends too so I ain't trying to see her hurt. You feel me? It's a big risk because if you hurt her man I'll be cool with you because I'm your boy but think about Miley and Selena. They won't appreciate that. You would lose people man." I sighed thinking about that.

Joe: "yeah I know"

Justin: "do you love her?"

Joe: "like a girlfriend or bestfriend?" I asked confused even I how I felt

Justin: "the fact you replied like that, let's me know you aren't ready for her. When I realized I wanted to be with Selena I knew loved her and I had to have her. I couldn't let her go. It was ether she be mine or not even friends bro" he admitted

Joe: "why not even friends?" I asked confused

Justin: "you can't be friends with someone you love" damn that makes perfect sense. I'm not sure if I feel that way tho maybe I just thought I wanted to be with Demi but really don't. I continued thinking about Demi the whole way to the store. I love her but I'm not sure if it's like a bestfriend or more and I don't wanna risk and end up breaking her heart and losing some of my bestfriends. When we got to the store me and Justin got some wood and tints and marshmallows and lots of dunk food. We thought it would be awesome to camp out at the beach since it's like 2:30 am anyways. We could tell our parents we were at a hotel or something. We drove back and I continued to think about the risk of being with Demi but I feel like it's worth if I'm being with her.

Nick's pov

"You feeling a little better?" I smiled at Miley when she was waking up a little "yeah.. But my head hurts. What happened?" She said confused and I chuckled "you were drunk and all over the place" I chuckled along with Sel and Demi

Miley: "what? Why? What are we doing here at the beach?" She asked confused

Demi: "well it was Justin's idea. It's nice isn't it?" She smiled

Miley: "where is Justin and where is joe?" She asked still confused

Selena: "they went to get Firewood. They should be back soon" she smiled

Miley: "okay" she rested her head on my stomach and I Smiled down at her and we heard joe and justin pull up.

Selena: "finally" she sighed

Justin: "aye sorry it took so long we got a lot of stuff" he smiled pecking Selena's lips with a ton of bags in his hands

Demi: "what the hell did you guys get?" She asked laughing a little

Joe: "we got tints because we camping here tonight" he smiled

Justin: "and lots of dunk food because we gonna pig out"

Joe: "and the fire wood" he smiled

Author's pov

Soon Justin, nick, and Joe set up the tints and the fire and they were just talking about everything and anything laughing and joking around the fire.

Demi: "you know, this is our last summer" she blurted after laughing from a joke justin had said but she got more serious

Joe: "yeah it is" he replied realizing it's true and the others just knotted

Justin: "yeah we'll be seniors, graduate, go to college and just get on with our lives" he said disappointed

Miley: "promise we won't forget about each other?" She looked around at her friends " I know we're going to different colleges all over the states but we'll meet up here in Nevada every year or something. We've been friends to long to just end it after high school" she Said getting a little said

Justin: "look we don't even have to promise nothing. We are gonna be friends always. No matter what ight?"

Demi: "I agree" she smiled

Selena: "We're more than friends" she smiled

Joe: "we're family" he smiled finishing her sentence

Nick: "family is forever" he smiled

Miley: "no we is 5 evah" she joked and the rest laughed

Demi: "I know this might be gay but we should so do a group hug right now" she smiled big

Joe: "I'm down" he smiled too giving Demi a hug and then the rest gathered and did a group hug with them.


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