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  • Dedicated to Anyone and Everyone

Author's Note. Might wanna read this. 

So, this prologue is kind of like a informational thing on Rachel and Kelsey's friendship. Sorry if it's not all that good, I wrote it last night and it was actually the first thing that I had written since, well, about five months. I already had the idea forming in my head so I decided to get over my laziness and actually write, not that I don't like writing anymore but it's hard fighting writer's block and I guess I did it? Oh well, whatever I won't blabber on anymore go ahead and read. If you like it don't hesitate to fan or vote! :) Criticism and feedback are amazing also! 


She ran towards me, tears spilling over her familiar, dark blue eyes. I started to let go a few tears of my one, but as the strong one in our friendship, I mostly held them back, although I knew that night my pillow would be soaked of them. 

"I can't believe it, you actually have to go," she gasped heavily. I indulged her in a hug, taking in her scent, not wanting to let go. She was my companion, someone I relied on everyday to get through life, to come to if I needed advice or just plain fun. She was someone that I had known since we were toddlers and I couldn't leave her. 

"And to think it's all because of him," I responded, rolling my eyes and almost hurting her from my anger. We separated, just staring at each other. I was convinced we would grow up, get married to the boys of our dreams, and let our kids have play dates as we sat quietly over cups of tea gossiping or talking or anything, really, just enjoying each others' company. Yet, here we our, only to find out that, AHEM, dreams do not come true, Disney. 

So there we sat on the porch of my house, that, in a matter of two days, would no longer be mine. That was the place I had lived all my life, and to think it would be "so-long, farewell!", just tore my heart to pieces. More importantly, I would no longer have Kelsey. My favorite friend in the world. As we sat and consumed her mother's fresh strawberries coated and topped in anything you could imagine -- my grandmother's home-made whip cream, Nutella, peanut butter -- as we watched reruns of old TV shows such as The Golden Girls and Full House, talking about my ex-boyfriend and her future ones, listening to our favorite band in the world, The Beatles, painting our toe nails ridiculous colors that coordinated in no way whatsoever. 

We kind of didn't talk much that night, it seemed almost like we couldn't because of the tears threatening to spill out over our cheeks and ruin the Cheez-Its we shared between us as we watched spongebob, feeling like kids again, back in middle school. That is, until she spoke up. 

"So, you better email, text, and call every night, missy." I laughed a tiny one, but her face was straight. I knew she was joking but I guess she was so upset she couldn't chuckle along with me. Instantly I stopped and ate a cracker, drowning it in some peach tea. Not the best combination, but hey, it was alright. 

"Yeah, no worries. Hakuna matata, pal," I cracked a smile in her direction. She looked at me and did the same, so we naturally high-fived. That was another thing we did almost every five seconds. In a quick second we were both gazing at the screen again, where Spongebob was ranting about rainbows and "imagination" or something with Patrick but I don't think neither of us paid that close attention. 

"Hey, I gotta good idea," she announced proudly, excitement now running through her. I readjusted in my seat and nodded for her to continue. "Why don't you stay with us? I mean, you're not that big so we can squeeze in my bed, and mom won't mind you know she adores you, you're no worse than Melissa, so why not? You'll get away from your step dad anyway!" 

I grinned at the thought, but I knew it wouldn't work. My mom loves me too much. "Yeah but my mom wouldn't go for it, you know how she is." 

She sighed and shook her head, turning it back to the screen. "God, why do you hate me?" She groaned. I laughed a little bit and we relaxed, in  a way, watching TV, eating Cheez-Its with peach tea and waiting for ourselves to get tired. We didn't sleep much that night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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