Chapter Fifteen

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So we've just started truth or dare..
H-Hayden A-Annie K-Katie Ky-Kyle Z-Zachary B-Brennan L-Luke
Z-Ok I'll start umm Luke! Truth or dare?
L-Dare! I ain't no chicken
*everyone laughs*
Z-hmm I dare you to run down the street naked, NO underwear
*he starts taking off his clothes*
H-Luke just hurry up!
*Covers Annie's eyes while Kyle covers Katies*
L-Ok! Ok! *does the dare*
H-it's over babe
A-Finally!Im free!!
*they laugh*
L-ok Um Annie! T or D
L-*mumbles* chicken.. Um who do you ship the most in our "group"
A-Oh! That's easy! Kayle!
A-Ya! Katie plus Kyl- *Katie covers her mouth*
K-My turn!
A-ah fine *chuckles*
K-Annie I dare you to sit on Hayden's lap for the rest of the game.
A-Easy! *Goes and sits on Hayden's lap while Hayden blushes.
Brennan's POV-
I really like Annie but she has Hayden. I hate seeing them cuddle or kiss. And right now! There cuddling! Ugh She's mine! I need to put an end to this...

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