Chapter Thirty Three

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"I am the worst friend ever! Brennan has Katie. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it! Why would he even want Katie! He barely knows her! And plus Hayden won't call me back and that makes me even more worried and now I'm rambling. But that doesn't matter because we have to find Katie because she won't answer texts or calls. She's not home. And hopefully Hayden is not dead!"I continue saying stuff like this.

So... What happened was. Brennan kidnapped Katie. Or so I thought. Hopefully not. But I'm pretty sure. But why?
After that Kyle called 911 and tried to report a missing person thingy ma jig. Buuuut the stupid 911 people or something said that they couldn't file a report until they've been missing for 24 hours. This is some marshmallow cake rainbow unicorn freakin stuff!!

Excuse my language, but I am really freaking out!

And what about Hayden?! We went to his house and he wasn't there!

Does anyone have a worst friend or girlfriend award over here!

Sooo.... Anyways. We're now driving around looking for them.

Omg! There phones! How could I be so stupid?

"Track there phones!" I yell out out of the blue.

And.. Now we're tryin to take an online tutorial on how to track there phones... Cuz we're idiots.

Nah! I'm just joking. We used find my iPhone. I did Hayden's. And Kyle did Katie's. While Luke drove.

Huh. How cliché it's an old warehouse...

Great. Cuz I have such good memories in a ware house.

Anyone notice the sarcasm? No? Ok..

We park on the other side of the street and begin to walk up but decide to take the back door so that we won't be spotted.

Once we got there we slowly entered to see Hayden and Katie all tied up. With tape over their mouths. And they see us but are still looking worried.... Huh.

"Ahh my wonderful Annie. How are you? I see you've found my guests." Brennan finally speaks

"Give it up Brennan it's never happening! Thought you take a hint by now." I scoffed

"Oh, Annie, Annie, Annie. You don't get it do you? I don't care if you like me or not. You will be my girlfriend. Whether you like it or not."

"Well, there's nothing you can do." Luke teased.

"Ya and by the way for future references. Kidnapping a girl and her best friend and boyfriend is not attractive." I said

He growled and hit a wall.

Ok.. I admit. Not the best idea but... Oh who am I kidding I'm an idiot!

"Listen, lets just do this the easy way ok?" If you come with me, then I let your friends go."
He demands

"What if I say no?" I ask, crossing my arms

"Well then I guess I'll have to bring in my friend, you may know her.."

Suddenly, somones walks up behind Brennan. Until they finally came into the light.


I gasped. She winked at me. What the heck is going on...?

All of a sudden, she punched him!

And apparently, she knocked him out!

"Kenzie! What the heck was that!" I yelled

Ok seriously, what the hell just happened?

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