Bain of classroom decorations

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Three years have passed since we last saw the Ookami household last. Isn't that nice. 

Over the last three years, Nanami and Zunal have gone into the ninja academy, and are experiencing some.....interesting situations at the moment. 

"Watch it!" Another six year old yelled, as objects flew around the room. 

No one knew what was happening at the moment, but everyone knew to stay down. 

"Please do something Shino-sensei!" A child yelled as another chair bounced off top of their desk as they were hiding underneath said object. 

Shino stood at the front of the classroom, not as student, but as the teacher. He is currently watching his students cower underneath their desks because of debris from the classroom that is currently flying all over the room. 

He watched on with no emotion, however inside a swirling typhoon of emotion tried to flood his senses, but that is not what he needed at the moment, so he suppressed them and walked on uncaring of the debris, towards the source of the disturbance. 

He walked up to two identical twins of light pink hair, they were crying, and clutching their magenta eyes as their ears flattened against their heads, and tails tucked between their legs, once again identical. One was a girl, and one was a boy. 

He walked closer to them, and pulled them both into an embrace. 

And as the debris stopped flying all over the room, Shino still held them close, now not being able to hear the loud roar of the wooden objects flying every which way, and now only hearing the soft sobs of the twins in his arms. 

Shino carefully picked them both up, one in each arm, with them both tucking their heads into the collar of his grey jacket. 

he walked out of the classroom, saying a "Class is dismissed" Before leaving with the two children. 

He walked down the streets silently for awhile, letting the children in his arms calm, before speaking once more. "Nanami, Zunal, what happened this time?" 

The twins raised their pink heads, with tear tracks on their faces, black ones at that. Apparently, according to Kagami, is a side affect of his Dojutsu that he had inherited because of his mixed blood, and had been made permanent because of the ,kyuubi. Apparently the only way the black marks will ever clear is to cry tears of joy. 

"They did it again! They called us mutts, and then said that our eyes are freaky!" Nanami yelled, more tears starting to leak out of her eyes. Shino didn't mind that it completely stained his jacket. 

"And don't forget that they had pulled on our ears." Zunal had reminded her sadly, electing a small "That too." From Nanami. Zunal was the calmer of  the two, and was more intelligent, however was in no means quiet.

Shino sighed quietly, no matter what he had done, their is always  going to be that one person there to make them feel down. The ability of Kagami's passed down Dojutsu, was always destroying his classroom through these two twins. 

'telekinetic abilities....the bane of my classroom decorations' Shino thought with a sweatdrop. He could practically  feel the money slipping out of his pocket with a happy 'SAYONARA ASSHOLE' 

"No matter what happens, just remember that I will always be there for you. Why? Because I wish I had children, and you are the closest thing I have to that at the moment." Shino said to the twins and they reached the front gates to the Ookami district. 

The Ookami district had grown so much over the years it was created, they had their own markets, stores, homes, hunting grounds, and tourism. You would be surprised at how many people had come here just to see the famous Ookami clan.

He walked through the gates with ease, because of their being no guards nor checking, you simply just walk in and out, as if you were not going in another district.

He walked on to the house of the clan head as the bustling of the markets flooded his ears. He slightly struggled with the crowd because of the Ookami being freakishly tall when they transform. Inuzuka were also bustling around the market for the fresh meats and  herbs that were sold here. As well as the fact that they are best freinds to the Ookami makes no difference.

He finally reached the door to the large home, and got his bugs to form a fist at the door and knock. 

Shino waited a few moments before the door opened to see Gaara holding Jinan on his hip with one hand. 

"Shino?" Gaara asked, surprised at his presence. As soon as Gaara saw his children in the arms of the academy teacher, he opened the door wider so that they may enter. 

Gaara closed the door behind Shino, and sighed as he went to place Jinan on the floor, the quiet toddler ran to Nanami and Zunal, as they were placed on the ground as well. 

Gaara fell onto the couch behind him with a quiet sigh in front of Shino on the opposite couch. 

"What happened this time? Wait, let me guess. They punched another student? Someone pulled on their tails? They shifted in class? They brought bad food from hunting during lunch?" Gaara asked Shino, listing off the things that had happened in the past. 

Shino placed both elbows on his thighs, and cradled his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes from under his sunglasses. 

"No. Something different happened today. Why? I don't know." Gaara immediately started to pay attention because of the slightly foreboding tone to his words. 

"What happened?" Gaara asked, looking toward his three children wrestling on the floor as wolves.

Shino leaned back on the couch and sighed, then looked towards the children as well. "Nanami and Zunal have awakened Kagami's doujinshi. Why? My guess is because of the bullying they have received."

Gaara sighed rubbing his face with his hands. "I need to go and tell their father, is there anything I will need to pay for?" He asked, whilst grabbing shino's shoes for him, and letting him put them on.

"No. I can pay for you this time. I need to re arrange the classroom, so I can not go with you. However, the most prominent ability that formed was telekinesis." 

The  kids ran over to Gaara in their wolf forms, the twins being about as big as a full grown wolf.(Like the ones you readers are used to.) 

Gaara ruffled Jinan's blood red fur, and then opened the door to walk out of the house. "Thankyou, I will go now. See you later." Gaara said, as he closed the door to his home, and shifted into a giant red wolf, and carried his children on his back as he ran towards where he knew his husband was. 

Shino sighed, and walked back to the academy to prepare his classroom. 


I know, crappy first chapter for a sequel, but anyway, I will try and update more. 

have a great day/ night, and


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