First Day

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Warped Tour was kicking off and Roxanne was buzzing with excitment. She had arrived at Sacramento at 9:00am, ready to get onto the tour bus and start her adventure. Looking around, she realised that no one else was there, her anxiety began to rise. Lyman said that the buses would be pulling out at 9:30am but for everyone to get there early so he could organise the buses properly. *PING*

"Hey, where are you? Kevin is fuming because you are late." Juliet seemed concerned.

"I'm here, but I can't find anyone." Roxanne was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"We are outside LAX, it's not like it's hard to find us :'D" Why would they be in Los Angeles? Kevin said to meet in Sacramento.

"I'm in Sacramento, I thought that's where Kevin said to meet up over the phone." It would take Roxanne 5 hours to reach Los Angeles.

"No, we are pulling off from LAX to go to Sacramento." Roxanne's face turned to horror, pure panic evident as she didn't know what to do.

"Kevin said to stay there, but he wants to chat with you when we get there."

For Fuck Sake, only I could fuck up on the first day.

Roxanne sat on top of her suitcase, waiting for the buses to pull up.


The buses pulled up and Roxanne's anxiety shot back up, her breathing becoming sparse. Kevin walked calmly off the bus, no anger written across his face. "Roxanne, I'll see you now." His tone was dead and cold, polarised opposite of his tone from a few days ago. Roxanne stood up and walked to his bus, all other crew members staring at her. She felt as if she was being led to the gallows.

When the door to the bus shut, Kevin exploded. "You clearly don't fucking follow instructions do you? Maybe I made a massive mistake hiring you." Roxanne became frightened, trying to make herself as small as possible. "I'm... sorrrry. I generally thought you said to meet at Sacramento..." Her voice came out only as a whisper, she felt like a child who had been caught stealing candy. "Well maybe you should open your fucking ears. Now get out of my sight!" His voice continued to bellow in her mind long after she had left.

She went to her bunk, and just cried. She had never felt so frightened and embarassed. After 10 minutes, Roxanne wiped her makeup smeared eyes and carried on with her day as if nothing had happened.

As she was walking around she was taking candid photographs of all the different bands and celebrities. These were for her own personal collection. As she was walking around Roxanne bumped into James Cassels from Asking Alexandria. This caught her off guard since Asking were not meant to be playing this year. "Sorry, I didn't see you there." Roxanne's timidness returning yet again. "Well, I'm not exactly hard to miss but since you have gorgeous eyes, I'll let you off." His words mixing with a soft chuckle. Roxanne couldn't help but blush and hide behind her auburn hair. "I'm James, drummer for Asking Alexandria." He gave a small smirk as he outstretched his hand. "I'm Roxanne." As she gave him her hand, he grasped it tight and gave her a small kiss; just like they do in the movies. "Nice to meet you, Roxanne." Her knees grew weak as he walked off. His voice recording over that Lyman's from earlier in the day.

The tiredness and stress of the day suddenly sneaked up on her and with that the day was coming to a close. As she layed in her bunk, headphones in, the song "A Heart Doesn't Beat on it's Own." came on. Her meeting James put a smile on her face and gave her new hope for the rest of this tour. As she was laying there, she felt the curtain open and someone trying to get her attention. Roxanne opened her eyes, and was meet with the kind eyes of Juliet.

"Hey, I just wanted to check in on you." Her voice was quiet but soft. A mothering tone came across. "Yeah, I'm fine. Kevin just gave me a massive grilling and made me feel worthless. But I'll cope." A weak smile spread across her lips. Juliet motioned as if she wanted to join Roxanne and she gladly shuffled over. "He get's like that with everyone, I can remember the grilling I had when I snuck on a few years back. I generally thought the devil had possessed him. But it's just because he wants this to be the perfect tour. You know, no scandals or mishaps." Juliet seemed less confident in the last part but I'm guessing she is just tired from travelling all day.

Juliet stayed for another hour, they listened to her old music and discussing her set for Warped Tour. As soon as Juliet left, Roxanne turned over with James dancing across her mind. A perfect thought to end such an imperfect day.

A/N: I have never met Kevin Lyman but I am sure he is a massive sweetheart. He just needs to be cruel for this story. This is not a defamation of his character or Warped Tour so please do not take his character too seriously.

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