The Meeting

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Roxanne was busy packing her clothes, ready for Warped Tour when Alexus came bashing through the door; panic evident on her chipmunk face. "What the fuck is going on? What's so urgent?" A smile crept across Roxanne's rosy lips before she turned to face her best friend. "I'm going to Warped." Her friend's face changed from panic, to anger, to relief and then to joy. Before Roxanne could finish, Alexus leapt across the room and gave her friend a giant bear hug. Alexus is 5'8 feet whereas Roxanne is only 5'0 foot. She felt safe when she was with Alexus, Roxanne really didn't know how she'd cope all Warped without her best friend.

"So what did they say?" Alexus eager to learn the details. "I have to go to Los Angeles in 3 days to have a meeting with Lyman. I hope he will let me bring you along, but I also don't want to appear ungrateful." Roxanne carried on packing whilst Alexus chatted away about all the different bands and artists she will get to meet. "I'm so fucking jealous. You get to meet Juliet Simms. Our fucking queen." Roxanne tried to hide her happiness to save her friend's feelings but she couldn't help herself. "Do you know who you are bunking with?" Roxanne shrugged, she hadn't even thought about living situations.


OMG I can't believe I am outside Kevin Lyman's office.

*knock knock*

"Come on in." A cheerful voice came from behind the thick black door.

The door creaked open as Roxanne came through and she suddenly felt like vomiting. The room was rather large and a black sofa faced towards the long pristine white desk. Kevin Lyman sitting behind the desk, but someone else was sitting on the sofa. "Oh, I'm sorry. Your secretary told me to knock." Her nerves slowly getting the better of her. "Oh nonsense, come on in and sit down. Roxanne here is going to be the new Warped Tour photographer."  As Roxanne walked to the empy seat on the sofa, she realised the other person was no other than Juliet Simms. "Well I look forward to working with you. You must have amazing talent for Kevin to have picked you out of the thousands of applicants." Her voice made Roxanne's knees weak. "Thank you." Roxanne couldn't help but blush at the sweet comment.

"Let's get down to business, Roxanne you will be sleeping in Juliet's bus. Juliet has already agreed to this arrangement." Roxanne's stomach became knots at the though of living with Juliet for all of Warped Tour. "Bebe Rexa will also be on the bus, and we can do a lot of girly night and movie nights. Maybe even do a few behind the scene shoots." Juliet generally seemed excited about this idea. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." Making sure her fangirl side didn't push through her professional charade. Juliet smiled and Kevin picked up a piece of paper, presumably a contract. "Take as long as you need to go through the contract and ask questions if needs be." He was so sweet.

The contract seemed straight forward but going by the start, it seemed like some of it was missing. Roxanne was slightly suspicious of this but thought nothing of it, since this was her first official contract. She signed her name and handed over the document, sealing her fate.

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