Chapter 3: The Big Reveal

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I was ready to know what they were gonna say because I'm tired of the secrets between us and I don't know how this friendship will last with all they BS.

Angel&Zee: We're your guardian angels and we were sent by your parents to guard you

Me: what do you mean by sent by my parents when I live with them

Zee: see well about that your adopted and your weren't suppose to know until your powers came in

Me: Powers .. wait can we stay on topic if my parents sent you how were they able to get in touch with you

Angel: Well your not human

Me: stay on topic how did my birth parents get in contact with you ?!?!

Zee: your mom is Head Guardian Angel so she made us make you our #1 priority

Me: So my parents are angels

Angel: Umm no your mom is the head Angel and your dad is the head Demon

Me:so what happen to my eyes and hands a minute ago

Zee: Oh well when Angels get angry their bodies let out and Angel light to keep them calm and your eyes had flames in them because you demon side want to come out

Me: umm okay I'm going to go lay down now cause I still have to process this all

All of this was too much to take in at once I need some Tylenol cause all that gave me a head ache and my face still hurts ....

Me: who gon sweep up these ashes cause I know damn well it ain't gon be me

Angel: I'm not doing it

Me: wasn't you the who blew her up into millions of pieces

Angel: yea so??

Me: nigga sweep it

Zee: Aha

Me: aha nothin help me clean up this mess aha that

Zee: this gon be a long day

Me: I have a question

Zee: I have an answer

Me: Is it a power for me to have a bad feeling about something

Zee:Maybe what does it feel like

Me: like Chyanne's in trouble

Zee: oh yea I forgot to tell you chris is a demon

Me: ooo I knew that boy wasn't no good for her and I don't even think that was even my powers that was big sister instincts .. well what about Chyanne being trouble

Zee: Ion know

Me: Well imma take a nap you coming or nah

Zee: yea let me make sure your front door is closed and locked

Angel: Sierra we have to train you

Me: For what

Angel: you know that feeling that you keep having about Chyanne it may be a premonition

Me: You and these big word WTF is a premin something

Zee : A presentiment of the future or A warning in advance .

Angel: if that was a premonition we need to train you

Me: well what I gotta know and how long it's gon take me

Angel: because your half angel and it may take 3 hours

Me: see there is where you got me messed up I'm going to sleep

Zee: Nigga let's go


We trained for hours and hours . I pretty much got everything but this levitation thing I just need to concentrate I was levitating in the air when my phone rang

Me: Hello

Chyanne: Sierra help he kidnapped me

???:look if you want your sister you'll have to meet me at 666 park ave

Me: who this

???: Oh this is Chris baby

Me: Ooo little nigga what time I gotta be there

Chris: midnight don't be late *evilly laughs*

Me: get yo' punk ass of my phone wanna be cackling and shit *hangs up*

So 12 came around and We went to 666 park ave and waited until Chris came from out of the darkness and had Chyanne with bruises all over her . I guess Chris wanted to fight me cause his eyes started to flame along with his hands . So I did the same our battle had begun





~Cii 💋

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