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When I got back to Portland from Ohio, I've got a tag along with me this time. Alex insisted on meeting my girlfriend face to face, rather than on Skype like she did when Tobin and I were talking a couple of nights ago.

"I told you, she treats me right." I say as we head out of the secure area, to where Tobin told me to meet her, when I see my girlfriend, I walk up to her and hug her tight, smiling as she wraps her arms around my waist.

"Ugh, I missed you." Tobin mumbles into my arm and I smile, pulling back from the hug just enough to kiss her, when I pull away, she smiles at me. "I take it I was missed too." She says and I nod. "You must be Alex." Tobin says and I turn around, letting Tobin go as she holds her hand out to Alex.

"You're evidently Tobin." Alex says and I sigh, intertwining my fingers with my girlfriend's.

"Can we go home? I want to cuddle up with my girlfriend after locking this professional softball player in her guest room." I say and both girls chuckle.

"Yeah, come on," Tobin says, slipping my duffle from my grasp.

"But babe." I protest and Tobin just smiles over at me, leading Alex and I out to the car, my Rover. She puts mine and Alex's bags in the back of the car and we all climb into the car, Tobin and I are in the front with Alex in the back.

When we get home, I show Alex to the guest room and let her get settled, going back down and smiling as I see Sortzen sitting at the bottom of the stairs, looking at me.

"Oh no, I ignored you!" I exclaim and he huffs at me, getting up and jumping up on me, I pet him and smile. Once he's settled, I go to the kitchen and wrap my arms around Tobin's waist from behind, kissing her jaw gently.

"Hey there." Tobin says and I rest my chin in the crook of her neck, watching as she washes the dishes.

"Hi." I say, playing with the hem of Tobin's shirt, she chuckles and looks at me.

"What are you up to?" Tobin asks and I shrug, slipping my hands under her shirt, ghosting my fingers along her stomach. "Y/N." Tobin says and I kiss her neck gently. "You're getting brave." Tobin says, turning the water off and drying her hands before turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck. "May I help you?" She asks and I shrug.

"I dunno, can you?" I ask and she smirks, pulling me down for a kiss that I gladly accept and huff, pulling away from the kiss when I hear Alex clear her throat. "What's up?" I ask Alex, not releasing Tobin.

"Just, uh, came to see what's going on." Alex says and I chuckle, releasing Tobin, who goes over and leads Alex into the living room. Obviously so the two can get to know each other better.


I sit on the couch with Alex and look at her as she speaks.

"So, I know Emma and her twin give you hell all the time, so I'm gonna try to keep from doing the same thing. I just want to know the story of you and Y/N. What made enemies fall so hard for each other? What made you fall?" Alex asks and I sigh.

"Babe, I'm going out for a swim!" I hear Y/N call out from near the back door.

"Alright!" I respond before turning back to Alex as the back door closes. "Her and I got off to a bad start, like, really bad start. We fought all the time, and we hated each other, but when we got to Portland her first season, I finally stopped and realized that my heartbeat would pick up when I saw her, my thoughts would scramble and I couldn't function right around her. And it terrified me, so I hid it, kept up the act of me hating her to maybe push her away from me so I wouldn't have to face my feelings for her, but when it started working, I realized my mistake, that by pushing her away, I was hurting her, and myself. Just seeing her upset hurt me. It still does. I guess that's why Y/N went to Ashlyn instead of me when her dad was hit by that drunk driver. She knew that I'd be just as big a mess as she probably was."

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